









I am new to programming. I have seen some past questions about the purpose of interfaces. The answers I have seen are broadly two types:

1. Some answers will just explain what an interface is.
2. Other answers will say that an interface allows you to inherit from multiple classes, or to inherit by a structure rather than a class.

As far as I understand, implementing an interface does not really inherit anything from the interface because you have to write from scratch everything that you are supposedly inheriting from the interface. Since the interface has only signatures, it really has nothing you can inherit other than the title.

Since (as far as I know) you only inherit the name of the interface but nothing else, perhaps the real value of the interface is that it can mark a group of classes as having some common functionality?

Note: I asked this question before in "Stackoverflow" but I got only mocking and uncivil responses from people who probably did not understand the question. Please be better than that and refrain from uncivil language, even if you don't respect the question. My greatest respect to all the decent people here.

What I have tried:

C# interfaces such as ICommand and INotifyPropertyChanged.


// Interface 

public interface ILogger
    public void Log(string msg);

// 'Concrete' classes 

public class FileLogger : ILogger
      // TODO : Implement Log method to File, Possibly File Spec From Ctor

public class TextBoxLogger : ILogger
      // TODO : Implement Log method to TextBox, Possibly TextBox Name From Ctor

public class DatabaseLogger : ILogger
      // TODO : Implement Log method to Database, Possibly Database Connection From Ctor

所以,你ave接口,ILogger,说,任何实现我的类必须实现Log(string msg);因为这是接口定义指定的'合同'

..无论你是否使用FileLogger,TextBoxLogger,DatabaseLogger,一旦你有这样的实例对象,你只调用Log(some message);


So, you have the interface, ILogger, that says, any class that implements me MUST implement Log(string msg); because that's the 'contract' specified by the Interface definition

.. irrespective of whether you're using the FileLogger, TextBoxLogger, DatabaseLogger, once you have an instance of those objects, you only ever call Log("some message");

maybe that helps


08-14 04:36