


In C#, I have a class, foo, that inherits from class bar, which in turn inherits from class foobar.


In the foo constructor, I want to call the foobar constructor directly, not from a call to the bar constructor. I tried something like this:

 public foo(int i): base : base(i)


Obviously this does not work. How would you make it work, without passing through the bar constructor?


您不能,因为您不能跳过bar的初始化.您必须在bar中创建一个构造函数来传递参数.原因是律师有责任决定如何构造其基类. (基类的构造是bar的 implementation 的一部分,而面向对象的原理之一就是封装-将实现隐藏在外部.)

You can't, as you cannot skip the initialization of bar. You have to create a constructor in bar that passes your argument through. The reason is that it's bar's responsibility to decide how it wants its base class to be constructed. (The construction of the base class is part of bar's implementation, and one of the principles of object-orientation is encapsulation -- hiding implementation to the outside.)


08-19 12:58