


Is there a way to bulk upload images to my cloudinary account?


I am looking to import 100 images of 3MB each at a time.



您可以使用Cloudinary的上载API一张一张地上传图像。 。
如果图像已经在公共场所,则可以将远程HTTP URL指定为 file 参数,而不是发送实际图像的数据。这样可以加快上传速度。如果您的图像位于Amazon S3存储桶中,则Cloudinary可以直接从S3中获取图像,以达到更高的上传性能。

You can use Cloudinary's upload API to upload images one by one. Here is a sample upload code in Python.If your images are already in a public location, you can specify the remote HTTP URL as the file parameter instead of sending the actual image's data. This allows much faster uploading. If your images are in an Amazon S3 bucket, images can be fetched by Cloudinary directly from S3 for reaching even higher upload performance.

您还可以并行使用多个进程来运行上传代码,以快速快速地同时上传多个文件。在我们的Ruby on Rails客户端库中,我们包含了。

You can also run your upload code using multiple processes in parallel for quickly uploading multiple files simultaneously. In our Ruby on Rails client library we included a migration tool.


Currently there is no dedicated API method of Cloudinary for performing bulk upload of images.


08-01 08:50