


Hello everyone,


以下是代码的片段 -

I am trying to map depth point to color space in the defined portion of the depth frame data in my Kinect v2. I am using CoordinateMapper for conversion between various spaces.

Below is the snippet of the code-

private void KinectMultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
    var reference = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();
    ColorFrame ColorFrame = reference.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
    DepthFrame DepthFrame = reference.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame();

    if (ColorFrame != null && DepthFrame != null)//Do not proceed, if any frame is expired
        ColorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(ColorFramePixels, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
        Image<Bgra, byte> ColorFrameImage = GetBgraImageFromBytes(colorFrameWidth, colorFrameHeight, colorFramePixels);


        CoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(DepthFrameData, DepthSpacePoints);

        for (int index = 0; index < DepthFrameData.Length; index++)
            ushort depth = DepthFrameData[index];// Get the depth for current pixel

            if (depth > depthMinReliableDistance && depth < depthMaxReliableDistance)//Ignore outside points
                CameraSpacePoint point = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(DepthSpacePoints[i], depth);
                //Some processing on CameraSpacePoint are cropped while putting the code here
                ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(point);
                DrawMarkInImage(ColorFrameImage, colorSpacePoint);
        ColorImgBox.Image = ColorFrameImage;// See the image

    if (ColorFrame != null) ColorFrame.Dispose();
    if (DepthFrame != null) DepthFrame.Dispose();

//Convert the bytes into image using EmguCV
Image<Bgra, byte> GetBgraImageFromBytes(int Width, int Height, byte[] Pixels)
    Image<Bgra, byte> Image = new Image<Bgra, byte>(Width, Height);
    Image.Bytes = Pixels;
    return Image

//Draw circle (Just for debugging purpose)
void DrawMarkInImage(Image<Bgra, byte> ColorFrameImage, ColorSpacePoint ColorSpacePoint)
    Point CircleCenter = new Point((int)ColorSpacePoint.X, (int)ColorSpacePoint.Y)
    ColorFrameImage.Draw(new CircleF(CircleCenter, 2), new Bgra(0, 255, 255, 255), 1);



However, when I tried to converting the depth directly to color space, it works well. But since I am doing processing over CameraSpacePoint, I need to make above working.

Somebody please tell me where is the error and how to resolve it.


因为坐标映射结果只是一个查找表,你需要确保x,y值落入一个范围或在颜色框架中有一个有效的点。您是否检查了.x / .y属性的界限(ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint =

Because the coordinate mapped result is just a lookup table, you need to ensure the x,y value falls into a range or has a point in the color frame that is valid. Did you check the bounds of the .x/.y properties for this(ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(point);)


07-23 02:44