我正在开发一个基于Web的C源代码,它使用gcc编译器编译服务器上的代码。您可以将其视为像Google Doc这样的编写C源代码的东西,并可以在单独的窗口中看到控制台输出。我想为我的网站使用每月订阅模式,用户每月支付使用该软件的费用。 因为gcc是根据GPL授权的,我是否需要为我的网站开源代码?需要注意的一点是,我使用gcc编译器的唯一方法是通过服务器上的一些make文件。它是否包含GPL条款中的链接?我认为我的情况就像流行网站www.github.com,您可以在这里创建私人git(GPL)回购支付月度订阅。感谢您的回答。
引用 在中提到的答案:
使用gcc编译的代码遵循GPL,与使用MS Word编写的文档成为Microsoft的知识产权相同。
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I am developing a close source Web-based C IDE which uses gcc compiler for compiling the code on the server. You can think of it as something like Google Doc where you write C source and can see the console output in a separate window. I want to use a monthly subscription model for my website, where users pay a monthly fee to use the software. Since gcc is licensed under GPL, do I need to open source the source code for my website? One point to note is that the only way I use the gcc compiler is through some make file on server. Does it entail to linking in GPL terms? I think my situation is like the popular websites www.github.com, where you can create private git(GPL) repo paying a monthly subscription. Thanks for your answer.
Your compiled code is not derived from the gcc code; It uses its compiled executables externally. In fact, you don't need to ever see or use the gcc code itself. Therefore, I think you can use it without violating the terms; Compiling using gcc is not even linking, merely external usage of the program.
Quoting General Public License, Explained by Lawrence Rosen mentioned at @Shoban's answer:
Making code compiled using gcc subject to GPL would make the same sense as making a document written using MS Word an intellectual property of Microsoft.
Anyway, If you're serious about this site, you can either contact the gcc team directly, consult a lawyer or further read about this subject on the web.
It seems that the strong dispute on GPL contagiosity is about dynamic linking; That is, whether dynamically linking to a GPL-licensed component enforces you to apply GPL to your code. It seems that the legal status of that such linking is unclear, so you might not want to allow your users to do that on your site.
You might want to refrain from dynamically linking gcc components to your server-side code; Use them as a totally separate process to be in the safe side.
We're dealing with lawyers and copyright laws, so I figured it would be better to ask Lawrence Rosen If quoting him was OK without trusting my ideas about Fair Use. He quickly responded to my email and allowed it! How cool.
- How does the GPL apply if you are using a tool released under the GPL rather than integrating GPL code?, Stackoverflow.com question
- A discussion in the Ubuntu Forums