


  1. Android的创始人为什么选择Linux?
  2. 是Linux的Andr​​oid中所谓的中间件?



答:简单地说 - 在Linux内核中的内核尽可能广泛的硬件和产业支撑,并保持GPL code使得与GPL协议的东西,支配东东pretty的线条清晰,但厂商都有点害怕了GPL的,因此它避免尽可能在内核之外。如此看来,目前的bluez是他们唯一的用户空间code。在android的是GPL协议。

:为什么使用Linux内核从谷歌IO preSO官方理由
  • 在大内存和进程管理
  • 基于权限的安全模型
  • 成熟的驱动程序模型
  • 支持共享库
  • It's已经开源!


I have 2 questions:

  1. Why did the Android founders choose Linux?
  2. Is Linux the so called middleware in Android?

This seems to hold the answer:http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=Android_FAQ#Q:_Why_does_Android_use_the_a_GPL_Linux_kernel.2C_but_libraries_and_user_space_apps_that_are_licensed_more_liberal_open_source.2Ffree_software_licenses.3F

Q: Why does Android use the a GPL Linux kernel, but libraries and user space apps that are licensed more liberal open source/free software licenses?

A: To put it simply - the Linux kernel has wide hardware and industry support, and keeping GPL code in the kernel as much as possible makes a pretty clear line between GPLed stuff and unencumbered stuff, but vendors are somewhat scared of the GPL, so it is avoided as much as possible outside the kernel. It seems that currently bluez is about the only userspace code in android which is GPLed. Official reasons for why to use a Linux kernel from a Google IO preso:

  • Great memory and process management
  • Permissions-based security model
  • Proven driver model
  • Support for shared libraries
  • Itʼs already open source!

For an unofficial explanation of why Google prefers the Apache2 license over the GPL license, please see this ArsTechnica article: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20071106-why-google-chose-the-apache-software-license-over-gplv2.html


10-11 13:48