以下代码在不同浏览器中的呈现方式不同(IE = FF =高于基准值,Chrome =基准值)
你知道如何让这个跨浏览器解决的方法吗?如果我更改垂直对齐方式,我可以在某些浏览器中使用它,但不能使用其他浏览器。 lang-html prettyprint-override> Whose fault is it? Where should I file a bug report?
Do you know a way how to get this solved cross-browser. If I change vertical-alignment, I get it to work in some browsers, but not the others.
<!doctype html>
< html>
< head>
< style>
.a {
< / style>
< / head>
< body>
baseline __< div class =a> test< / div> __ baseline
< / body>
< / html>
看来Chrome是错误的。 说:
The following code renders differently in different browsers(IE = FF = higher than baseline, Chrome = on baseline).
<!doctype html>
.a {
display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden;
color: red;
baseline__<div class="a">test</div>__baseline
It seems Chrome is in error. The CSS 2.1 spec says
Since the overflow property computes to something other than 'visible' the inline-block's baseline is the bottom margin edge, which sits on the baseline of the containing line box, and therefore must raise up the contained text to allow space for the descenders of that text.