

有一个现有的Andr​​oid小工具第三方实现,看起来像一个 GridView控件但是支持可变高度的项目?我需要一个图像,但当然一个任意的意见将工作作品。内存管理是非常重要的,这样的观点和位图可被回收。

Is there an existing Android widget third-party implementation that looks like a GridView but supports variable height items? I need one for images, but of course one that works with arbitrary views will work. Memory management is important, such that the Views and the bitmaps may be recycled.

或者,一个方法来转换 GridView控件源$ C ​​$ C做到这一点?

Or, a way to convert GridView source code to do this?


1A 2A 3A

1A 2A 3B

1A 2B 3C


The first column contains 1 item labeled as 1A (relative height 1), the second one contains two items labeled as 2A (relative height 2/3) and 2B (relative height 1/3). The third column contains three items (all of them with relative height 1/3).


我想你正在寻找在MS Windows 8中类似VariableSizedWrapGrid我认为是没有为Android类似的事情。在this SO线程会帮助你。

I suppose you are looking for something like VariableSizedWrapGrid in MS Windows 8. I think there is no a similar thing for Android. Maybe suggestions in this SO thread will help you.


09-02 17:12