


I'm using portable.aforge.imaging for image comparison on a UWP project. The method ProcessImage requires Bitmap type as arguments. I'm using System.Drawing to access Bitmap class, but i'm getting errors when i try to instantiate: "Bitmap does not contains a constructor that takes 1 argument"


Does regular Bitmap class is available on UWP? if yes, what am i doing wrong? if not, what alternatives do i have to use the aforge's ProcessImage for comparison?

 private void TestAForge()

        ExhaustiveTemplateMatching tm = new ExhaustiveTemplateMatching(0);

        Bitmap image, template;

        //fetch Bitmaps

        image = new Bitmap("MyDir/myImage.jpg");
        template = new Bitmap("MyDir/myImage.jpg");

        // compare two images
        TemplateMatch[] matchings = tm.ProcessImage(image, template);
        // check similarity level
        TextBlock.Text = "" + matchings[0].Similarity;
        if (matchings[0].Similarity > 0.95)

            // do something with quite similar images


是的,可以通过 AForge 上的 Shim.Drawing 组件使用System.Drawing.Bitmap. >通用Windows平台.

Yes, System.Drawing.Bitmap is available via the Shim.Drawing assembly for AForge on the Universal Windows Platform.

正如 Clemens 所建议的,您需要从WriteableBitmap投射到System.Drawing.Bitmap,在Bitmap上应用 AForge 成像操作,最后进行投射到WriteableBitmap(或BitmapSourceImageSource).

As Clemens suggests, you need to cast from a WriteableBitmap to a System.Drawing.Bitmap, apply the AForge imaging operations on the Bitmap and finally cast back to WriteableBitmap (or BitmapSource or ImageSource).

可以在Corner.SURF.Windows 示例中找到实现此工作流的示例. rel ="nofollow">一致示例存储库,位于文件 MainPage.xaml.cs .

An example of where this workflow is implemented can be found in the Corner.SURF.Windows sample in the accord-samples repository, in the file MainPage.xaml.cs.


07-23 02:23