



我有一个关于IntentService Android中的问题。我如下定义自己的服务:

I have a question about IntentService in Android. I define my own service as below:

公共类ABC扩展IntentService实现SensorEventListener {

public class ABC extends IntentService implements SensorEventListener {


@Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { }


@Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { }}


Now if i start the service from other activity, onHandleIntent() is invoked. Documentation says it launches a worker thread to process the request. However, when onSensorChanged() method is invoked, which thread will be executing the code defined in onSensorChanged() method. Will it be the worker thread or the main application thread???


按照 IntentService源$ C ​​$ C ,IntentServices停止自己,当他们不再有任何消息(即 stopSelf 调用)。因此,如果你想有一个长期运行的服务(我假设是适合你的 SensorEventListener ),那么你应该使用普通的服务

Per the IntentService source code, IntentServices stop themselves when they no longer have any messages (the stopSelf call). Therefore if you want a long running Service (which I assume would be appropriate for your SensorEventListener), then you should use a regular Service.


07-23 02:13