在国际化的 Rails (2.3.5) 应用程序中,我想显示默认语言环境的翻译而不是缺少翻译" - 有一张票,但它似乎仍在等待中:
in an internationalised Rails (2.3.5) app, I'd like to show a translation from the default locale instead of "translation missing" - there's a ticket for it but it seems it's still pending:
For example (taken from the ticket), with two translation files, en.yml and es.yml:
hello: 'hello'
hello_world: 'hello world'
hello_world: 'hola mundo'
I18n.t :hello, :locale => :es
Rails 返回hello"而不是带有translation missing"的 span.
Rails returns "hello" instead of a span with "translation missing".
由于工单仍处于待处理状态,我该如何实现此功能?我知道我可以通过并更改所有 I18n.t 调用以具有 :default 选项,但如果可以避免,我宁愿不必通过所有视图!由于它是一个补丁,我想我可以将它应用到 Rails 的冷冻宝石上,但如果可以的话,我宁愿避免这样做.
As the ticket is still pending, how could I implement this functionality? I know I could go through and change all my I18n.t calls to have the :default option, but I'd rather not have to go through all the views if I can avoid it! As it's a patch, I suppose I could apply it to the Rails frozen gems, but I'd rather avoid that if I can.
如果您使用的是 Rails 2,前提是您使用的是最新的 I18n gem,请将其添加到初始化程序中:
If you are using Rails 2, provided that you use the latest I18n gem, add this to an initializer:
I18n.backend.class.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)
Then you can add your fallbacks like this:
I18n.fallbacks.map('es' => 'en')