


This is a complex question, please consider carefully before answering.

考虑这种情况。两个线程(读者和作家)访问一个单一的全球 INT 。这安全吗?通常情况下,我会不假思索回应,是的!

Consider this situation. Two threads (a reader and a writer) access a single global int. Is this safe? Normally, I would respond without thought, yes!


However, it seems to me that Herb Sutter doesn't think so. In his articles on effective concurrency he discusses a flawed lock-free queue and the corrected version.


In the end of the first article and the beginning of the second he discusses a rarely considered trait of variables, write ordering. Int's are atomic, good, but ints aren't necessarily ordered which could destroy any lock-free algorithm, including my above scenario. I fully agree that the only way to guarantee correct multithreaded behavior on all platforms present and future is to use atomics(AKA memory barriers) or mutexes.


My question; is write re-odering ever a problem on real hardware? Or is the multithreaded paranoia just being pedantic?
What about classic uniprocessor systems?
What about simpler RISC processors like an embedded power-pc?


Clarification: I'm more interested in what Mr. Sutter said about the hardware (processor/cache) reordering variable writes. I can stop the optimizer from breaking code with compiler switches or hand inspection of the assembly post-compilation. However, I'd like to know if the hardware can still mess up the code in practice.



Your idea of inspecting the assembly is not good enough; the reordering can happen at the hardware level.


To answer your question "is this ever a problem on read hardware:" Yes! In fact I've run into that problem myself.


Is it OK to skirt the issue with uniprocessor systems or other special-case situations? I would argue "no" because five years from now you might need to run on multi-core after all, and then finding all these locations will be tricky (impossible?).


One exception: Software designed for embedded hardware applications where indeed you have completely control over the hardware. In fact I have "cheated" like this in those situations on e.g. an ARM processor.


08-22 17:05