

我有一个启动一个活动的AsyncTask (称为WorkerClass),并从AsyncTask的我添加一个 BaseAdapter 我的 GridView控件

I have an activity which starts an asynctask(called WorkerClass) and from the asynctask i add an BaseAdapter to my GridView:


I start the AsyncTask from my Activity:

if(gallery == null || switchScaleMode == true) {
            myWorkerClass = new WorkerClass(myActivity.this, width, scaleButtonText);

画廊是显示图像在我的GridView的可绘制列表。我知道这是非常糟糕的把整个活动的背景下另一个类..但我需要它来获取在 WorkerClass(AsyncTask的)访问2次。所以我的第一个问题,它会prevent我的内存泄漏,如果我只是把2次到 WorkerClass ,而不是整个活动?

Gallery is a drawable List which Shows Image in my gridview. I know it's really bad to put the whole activity context to another class.. But i Need it to get Access to 2 views in the WorkerClass(AsyncTask). So my first question, would it prevent my Memory leak if i just put the 2 views to the WorkerClass instead of the whole activity?



I started Update Heap in the DDMS for my APP-Process and got following results:


对于我来说,这看起来像一个HIGHT量,如果有> 90%开始后内存使用。

For me this Looks like a hight amount if there is >90% of Memory usage after start..

现在,当我转动我的设备好几次我得到这个:(通知:我只启动 WorkerClass 并添加适配器到 GridView控件有一次,在启动时。因为我不希望重新计算(将图像等),每次用户旋转(时间consumpting)。

Now when i rotate my device several times i get this:(notice: i only launch the WorkerClass and adding the Adapter to the GridView one time, at Startup. Because i don't want to recalculate(getting Images and so on) every time user is rotating (time consumpting).

所以,如果我再次旋转我的设备并再次我得到了一个AsyncTask的内存溢出异常。即使是我只有一次启动它。(所以必须有一个对象,它会导致OOM ??的娱乐某种)

So, if i rotate my device again and again i get a Out Of Memory exception in the AsyncTask. Even that i only start it once.. (so there must be some Kind of recreation of an object which cause a OOM ??)

我不明白的是,如果我超过了DDMS按钮 GC 做GC我得到:

What i don't understand is that if i do a GC over the Button GCin the DDMS i get:


So the amount of Memory which is used by my process has increased? But shouldn't the GC releasing used Memory?

最后一个问题:我试图从日食是 MAT (内存分析工具)的工作。但是,这只是启动后,工作在 DDMS 我的应用程序。如果我服用堆转储前几次旋转快照日食并不做任何事情。没有错误,也没有动作。我唯一​​注意到的是,我无法启动堆转储再次出现以下错误:

The last Problem: I tried to work with MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool) from eclipse. But this only works after Startup my app in the DDMS. If i rotate it several times before taking a Heap Dump "Snapshot" eclipse doesn't do anything. No error, but also no Action. Only Thing i noticed is that i can't start Heap Dump again with the following error:

12-07 15:09:52.739: E/jdwp(1109): Failed sending b-req to debugger: Invalid argument (67536832 of 96983113)
12-07 15:09:53.759: E/jdwp(1109): Failed sending reply to debugger: Try again


Please understand that i don't what to make my whole code public. If you tell me specifically what you want to see i'll try my best..



So now i got a Heap Dump after some rotates and this is the Output:

我实例化的EditText和GridView在我的活动,并在我的 WorkerClass 。因为这些都是我在 WorkerClass 为什么我把我的活动 - 语境极品仅有的两个意见 WorkerClass

I instantiate EditText and GridView in my Activity and in my WorkerClass. Because These are the only two views which i Need in my WorkerClass and why i put my Activity-Context to the WorkerClass.

所以将它解决我的问题是,如果声明并仅在活动实例并将其传递给 WorkerClass

So will it solve my Problem is if declare and instantiate them only in the Activity and pass them to the WorkerClass.



The DominatorTree:



after analyzing your dumps it seems like the problem is the textwatchers that have been added to the edittext. Since listeners in an edittext are saved internally in an arraylist they keep getting appended to the list leading to a leak. try to remove or clean all listeners from the edittext before you add new ones. that should fix the leak.


08-27 06:04