本文介绍了Android的工作室 - 分SDK版本/目标SDK版本与编译SDK版本的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



What are the differences between "min sdk version/target sdk version" and "compile sdk version"?


I know what min and target sdk means but what does compile sdk version mean?In eclipse I have min/max and target sdk but in android studio there are these three settings.


要详细说明@ anuraagy的回答:

To elaborate on @anuraagy's answer:

分钟SDK版本是Android SDK的应用程序可以运行的最早版本。通常这是因为与先前的API中的问题,缺乏功能性,或一些其他行为的问题。

min sdk version Is the earliest release of the Android SDK that your application can run on. Usually this is because of a problem with the earlier APIs, lacking functionality, or some other behavioral issue.


target sdk version The version your application was targeted to run on. Ideally this is because of some sort of optimal run conditions. If you were to "make your app for version 19" this is where that would be specified. It may run on earlier or later releases, but this is what you were aiming for. This is mostly to indicate how current your application is for use in the marketplace, etc.


compile sdk version The version of android your IDE (or other means of compiling I suppose) uses to make your app when you publish a .apk file. This is useful for testing your application as it is a common need to compile your app as you develop it. As this will be the version to compile to an APK, it will naturally be the version of your release. Likewise it is advisable to have this match you target sdk version.


I didn't mean to rip off somebody else's answer, but I really hope this sheds some light on distinguishing these three terms.

这篇关于Android的工作室 - 分SDK版本/目标SDK版本与编译SDK版本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 01:54