


Can Python-NLTK recognize input string and parse it not only based on white space but also on the content? Say, "computer system" became a phrases in this situation. Can anyone provide a sample code?


input String: "A survey of user opinion of computer system response time"

预期输出:["A",调查",的",用户",意见",的",计算机系统",响应",时间" ]

Expected output: ["A", "survey", "of", "user", "opinion", "of", "computer system", "response", "time"]



The technology you're looking for is called multiple names from multiple sub-fields or sub-sub-fields of linguistics and computing.

  • 关键词提取
    • Keyphrase Extraction
      • From Information Retrieval, mainly use for improving indexing/querying for sear
      • Read this recent survey paper: http://www.hlt.utdallas.edu/~saidul/acl14.pdf
      • (I personally) strongly recommend: https://code.google.com/p/jatetoolkit/ and of course the famous https://code.google.com/p/kea-algorithm/ (from the people who brought you WEKA, http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/)
      • For python, possibly https://github.com/aneesha/RAKE
      • 分组
        • Chunking
          • From Natural Language Processing, it's also call shallow parsing,
          • Read Steve Abney's work on how it came about: http://www.vinartus.net/spa/90e.pdf
          • Major NLP framework and toolkits should have them (e.g. OpenNLP, GATE, NLTK* (do note that NLTK's default chunker only works for name entities))
          • Stanford NLP has one too: http://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/shallow-parsing.shtml


          I'll give an example of the NE chunker in NLTK:

          >>> from nltk import word_tokenize, ne_chunk, pos_tag
          >>> sent = "A survey of user opinion of computer system response time"
          >>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent)))
          >>> for i in chunked:
          ...     print i
          ('A', 'DT')
          ('survey', 'NN')
          ('of', 'IN')
          ('user', 'NN')
          ('opinion', 'NN')
          ('of', 'IN')
          ('computer', 'NN')
          ('system', 'NN')
          ('response', 'NN')
          ('time', 'NN')


          >>> sent2 = "Barack Obama meets Michael Jackson in Nihonbashi"
          >>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent2)))
          >>> for i in chunked:
          ...     print i
          (PERSON Barack/NNP)
          (ORGANIZATION Obama/NNP)
          ('meets', 'NNS')
          (PERSON Michael/NNP Jackson/NNP)
          ('in', 'IN')
          (GPE Nihonbashi/NNP)


          You can see it's pretty much flawed, better something than nothing, i guess.

          • 多词表达提取
            • NLP中的热门话题,每个人都出于某种原因提取它们
            • 伊凡·萨格(Ivan Sag)最著名的著作: http://lingo.stanford.edu /pubs/WP-2001-03.pdf 和ACL论文中各种提取算法和提取用法的usage处
            • 尽管这个MWE非常神秘,而且我们不知道如何自动对它们进行分类或正确地提取它们,但是没有合适的工具(奇怪的是,MWE的输出研究人员希望经常可以通过Keyphrase Extraction或chunking获得它们. ...)
            • Multi-Word Expression extraction
              • Hot topic in NLP, everyone wants to extract them for one reason or another
              • Most notable work by Ivan Sag: http://lingo.stanford.edu/pubs/WP-2001-03.pdf and a miasma of all sorts of extraction algorithms and extracted usage from ACL papers
              • As much as this MWE is very mysterious and we don't know how to classify them automatically or extract them properly, there's no proper tools for this (strangely the output researchers of MWE wants often can be obtained with Keyphrase Extraction or chunking...)
              • 术语提取

              • 这是来自翻译研究的,他们希望翻译人员在翻译文档时使用正确的技术用语.
              • 请注意,术语伴随着ISO标准的聚宝盆,由于繁复的翻译行业产生了数十亿美元的收入,因此应遵循ISO的标准.
              • 从语言上讲,我不知道是什么使它们与术语提取器,相同的算法,不同的接口有所不同……我想某些术语提取器的唯一功能就是能够双语操作并自动生成字典.
              • li>


              • https://github.com/srijiths/jtopia and
              • http://fivefilters.org/term-extraction/
              • https://github.com/turian/topia.termextract
              • https://www.airpair.com/nlp/keyword-extraction-tutorial
              • http://termcoord.wordpress.com/about/testing-of-term-extraction-tools/free-term-extractors/
              • Note on tools: there's still no one tool that stands out for term extraction though. And because of then big money involved, it's always some API calls and most code are "semi-open".. mostly closed. Then again, SEO is also big money, possibly it's just a culture thing in translation industry to be super secretive.


              Now back to OP's question.

              问: NLTK可以提取计算机系统"作为短语吗?



              As shown above, NLTK has pre-trained chunker but it works on name entities and even so, not all named entities are well recognized.


              Possibly OP could try out more radical idea, let's assume that a sequence of nouns together always form a phrase:

              >>> from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag
              >>> sent = "A survey of user opinion of computer system response time"
              >>> tagged = pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent))
              >>> chunks = []
              >>> current_chunk = []
              >>> for word, pos in tagged:
              ...     if pos.startswith('N'):
              ...             current_chunk.append((word,pos))
              ...     else:
              ...             if current_chunk:
              ...                     chunks.append(current_chunk)
              ...             current_chunk = []
              >>> chunks
              [[('computer', 'NN'), ('system', 'NN'), ('response', 'NN'), ('time', 'NN')], [('survey', 'NN')], [('user', 'NN'), ('opinion', 'NN')]]
              >>> for i in chunks:
              ...     print i
              [('computer', 'NN'), ('system', 'NN'), ('response', 'NN'), ('time', 'NN')]
              [('survey', 'NN')]
              [('user', 'NN'), ('opinion', 'NN')]


              So even with that solution, seems like trying to get 'computer system' alone is hard.But if you think for a bit seems like getting 'computer system response time' is a more valid phrase than 'computer system'.


              Do not that all interpretations of computer system response time seem valid:

              • [计算机系统响应时间]
              • [计算机[系统[响应[时间]]]]
              • [计算机系统] [响应时间]
              • [计算机[系统响应时间]]


              And many many more possible interpretations. So you've got to ask, what are you using the extracted phrase for and then see how to proceed with cutting long phrases like 'computer system response time'.


07-23 01:48