

什么教程和库可用,它可以帮助初学者使用OpenGL-ES开发2D和3D游戏在Android?我在寻找的教程,可以帮助我学习的OpenGL-ES,和我在寻找的OpenGL ES库,它可以使生活更轻松,适合初学者在OpenGL-ES。

What tutorials and libraries are available which can help beginners to develop 2D and 3D games on Android using OpenGL-ES? I'm looking for tutorials which can help me learn OpenGL-ES, and I'm looking for OpenGL-ES libraries which can make life easier for beginners in OpenGL-ES.

由于Android还小,我想这可能是帮助满读取iPhone的OpenGL ES教程为好,因为我想了OpenGL-ES的功能是大同小异的。

Since Android is still small, I guess it may be help-full to read iPhone OpenGL-ES tutorials as well, as I suppose the OpenGL-ES functionality is much the same.


I have found the following useful information which I would have liked to share:


  • DroidNova: Basic tutorial covering polygons, no textures
  • anddev forum with some tutorials


Other Android OpenGL-ES information:

  • 谷歌IO讲座关于游戏,不多OpenGLES
  • href="http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/1.1/docs/man/"> Khronos的参考手册也是相关的
  • Google IO lecture regarding games, notmuch OpenGLES
  • The The Khronos Reference Manual is also relevant to have, but its not exactly the best place to start.

iPhone的OpenGL ES教程(其中的OpenGL ES的信息可能是有用的):

iPhone OpenGL-ES tutorials (where the OpenGl-ES information is probably useful):

  • ,这是最近才开始,因此有许多漏洞和错误。而且它gnuGPL许可(目前),这意味着它不能被使用,如果我们希望出售我们的游戏。

    As for libraries which a beginner might use to get a simpler hands-on experience with OpenGL-ES, I have only found Rokon, which is recently started, thus has many holes and bugs. And it's gnuGPL licensed (at the moment) which means it cannot be used, if we wish to sell our games.



    您提到的网站是非常不错的,但我认为最好的一个,我发现是通过的。这是伟大的OpenGL 讷河教程的端口。这是一个伟大的地方开始,它给你的源代码在不同层次,你可以玩和改变,看看有什么不同部位做。除此之外,阅读的OpenGL 文档,也将有所帮助。我不是很擅长OpenGL的东西,但已经能够使用我所提到的。

    The site you mentioned is very good, but I think the best one I have found is by INsanityDesign. It is a port of the great OpenGL nehe tutorials. This is a great place to start, it gives you source at different levels that you can play with and change to see what different parts do. Other than that reading OpenGL documentation, will help as well. I am not great at the OpenGL stuff, but have been able to figure things out using the resources I mentioned.


09-05 14:17