I'm starting a project which I think will be particularly suited to MongoDB due to the speed and scalability it affords.
The module I'm currently interested in is to do with real-time chat. If I was to do this in a traditional RDBMS I'd split it out into:
- 频道(一个频道有很多用户)
- 用户(用户只有一个频道,但有很多消息)
- 消息(消息有一个用户)
The the purpose of this use case, I'd like to assume that there will be typically 5 channels active at one time, each handling at most 5 messages per second.
Specific queries that need to be fast:
- 获取新消息(可能基于书签,时间戳或递增计数器?)
- 向频道发布消息
- 验证用户可以在频道中发布
Bearing in mind that the document limit with MongoDB is 4mb, how would you go about designing the schema? What would yours look like? Are there any gotchas I should watch out for?
我使用了 Redis ,NGINX&我的聊天项目使用PHP-FPM.虽然不是超级优雅,但确实可以解决问题.这个难题有几块.
I used Redis, NGINX & PHP-FPM for my chat project. Not super elegant, but it does the trick. There are a few pieces to the puzzle.
There is a very simple PHP script that receives client commands and puts them in one massive LIST. It also checks all room LISTs and the users private LIST to see if there are messages it must deliver. This is polled by a client written in jQuery & it's done every few seconds.
There is a command line PHP script that operates server side in an infinite loop, 20 times per second, which checks this list and then processes these commands. The script handles who is in what room and permissions in the scripts memory, this info is not stored in Redis.
Redis has a LIST for each room & a LIST for each user which operates as a private queue. It also has multiple counters for each room the user is in. If the users counter is less than the total messages in the room, then it gets the difference and sends it to the user.
我无法对这个解决方案进行压力测试,但是至少从我的基本基准测试来看,它每秒可能可以处理成千上万条消息.还有机会将其移植到Node.js之类的东西以提高性能. Redis也日趋成熟,并具有一些有趣的功能,例如Pub/Subscribe命令,这可能很有趣,它可能会消除服务器端的轮询.
I haven't been able to stress test this solution, but at least from my basic benchmarking it could probably handle many thousands of messages per second. There is also the opportunity to port this over to something like Node.js to increase performance. Redis is also maturing and has some interesting features like Pub/Subscribe commands, which might be of interest, that would possibly remove the polling on the server side possibly.
我研究了基于Comet的解决方案,但是其中许多解决方案都很复杂,文档编写不完善,或者需要我学习一种全新的语言(例如Jetty-> Java,APE-> C)等.代理有时可能是Comet的问题.这就是为什么我坚持使用投票的原因.
I looked into Comet based solutions, but many of them were complicated, poorly documented or would require me learning an entirely new language(e.g. Jetty->Java, APE->C),etc... Also delivery and going through proxies can sometimes be an issue with Comet. So that is why I've stuck with polling.
I imagine you could do something similar with MongoDB. A collection per room, a collection per user & then a collection which maintains counters. You'll still need to write a back-end daemon or script to handle manging where these messages go. You could also use MongoDB's "limited collections", which keeps the documents sorted & also automatically clears old messages out, but that could be complicated in maintaining proper counters.