IOPS 与吞吐量

本文介绍了IOPS 与吞吐量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


  1. 在大型数据存储中,IOPS 和吞吐量之间的主要区别是什么?
  2. 文件大小对 IOPS 有影响吗?为什么?


IOPS 衡量每秒读取和写入操作的数量,而吞吐量衡量每秒读取或写入的位数.

IOPS measures the number of read and write operations per second, while throughput measures the number of bits read or written per second.

尽管它们衡量的东西不同,但它们通常会相互跟随,因为 IO 操作的大小大致相同.

Although they measure different things, they generally follow each other as IO operations have about the same size.

如果你有大文件,你只需要更多的 IO 操作来读取整个文件.文件大小对 IOPS 没有影响,因为它衡量的是读取或写入的集群数量,而不是文件数量.

If you have large files, you simply need more IO operations to read the entire file. The file size has no effect on the IOPS as it measures the number of clusters read or written, not the number of files.

如果你有小文件,就会有更多的开销,所以虽然 IOPS 和吞吐量看起来不错,但你可能会遇到较低的实际性能.

If you have small files, there will be more overhead, so while the IOPS and throughput look good, you may experience a lower actual performance.

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07-23 01:18