

本文介绍了重复记录组以填补 Google BigQuery 中的多个日期间隔的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我发现了一个类似的问题(复制记录以填补 Google BigQuery 中日期之间的空白),但是使用不同的场景并且那里的答案不适用.

I've found a similar question (Duplicating records to fill gap between dates in Google BigQuery), however with a different scenario and the answer there does not apply.


I have data structured like so (which is basically price-change history for multiple products and partners):

|    date    | product | partner | value |
| 2017-01-01 | a       | x       |    10 |
| 2017-01-01 | b       | x       |    15 |
| 2017-01-01 | a       | y       |    11 |
| 2017-01-01 | b       | y       |    16 |
| 2017-01-05 | b       | x       |    13 |
| 2017-01-07 | a       | y       |    15 |
| 2017-01-07 | a       | x       |    15 |

我需要的是一个查询(特别是用 BigQuery 标准 SQL 编写的),给定一个日期范围(在这种情况下,2017-01-012017-01-10),输出如下结果:

What I need is a query (specifically written in BigQuery Standard SQL) that, given a date range (in this case, 2017-01-01 to 2017-01-10), outputs the following result:

|      date    | product | partner | value |
|   2017-01-01 | a       | x       |    10 |
|   2017-01-02 | a       | x       |    10 |
|   2017-01-03 | a       | x       |    10 |
|   2017-01-04 | a       | x       |    10 |
|   2017-01-05 | a       | x       |    10 |
|   2017-01-06 | a       | x       |    10 |
|   2017-01-07 | a       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-08 | a       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-09 | a       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-10 | a       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-01 | a       | y       |    11 |
|   2017-01-02 | a       | y       |    11 |
|   2017-01-03 | a       | y       |    11 |
|   2017-01-04 | a       | y       |    11 |
|   2017-01-05 | a       | y       |    11 |
|   2017-01-06 | a       | y       |    11 |
|   2017-01-07 | a       | y       |    15 |
|   2017-01-08 | a       | y       |    15 |
|   2017-01-09 | a       | y       |    15 |
|   2017-01-10 | a       | y       |    15 |
|   2017-01-01 | b       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-02 | b       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-03 | b       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-04 | b       | x       |    15 |
|   2017-01-05 | b       | x       |    13 |
|   2017-01-06 | b       | x       |    13 |
|   2017-01-07 | b       | x       |    13 |
|   2017-01-08 | b       | x       |    13 |
|   2017-01-09 | b       | x       |    13 |
|   2017-01-10 | b       | x       |    13 |
|   2017-01-01 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-02 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-03 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-04 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-05 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-06 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-07 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-08 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-09 | b       | y       |    16 |
|   2017-01-10 | b       | y       |    16 |


Basically a price history with all date gaps filled, for every combination of product and partner.


I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get this done, especially how to generate multiple rows for the same date where no price change has happened. Any ideas?



WITH history AS (
  SELECT '2017-01-01' AS d, 'a' AS product, 'x' AS partner, 10 AS value UNION ALL
  SELECT '2017-01-01' AS d, 'b' AS product, 'x' AS partner, 15 AS value UNION ALL
  SELECT '2017-01-01' AS d, 'a' AS product, 'y' AS partner, 11 AS value UNION ALL
  SELECT '2017-01-01' AS d, 'b' AS product, 'y' AS partner, 16 AS value UNION ALL
  SELECT '2017-01-05' AS d, 'b' AS product, 'x' AS partner, 13 AS value UNION ALL
  SELECT '2017-01-07' AS d, 'a' AS product, 'y' AS partner, 15 AS value UNION ALL
  SELECT '2017-01-07' AS d, 'a' AS product, 'x' AS partner, 15 AS value
daterange AS (
  SELECT date_in_range
  FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY('2017-01-01', '2017-01-10')) AS date_in_range
temp AS (
  SELECT d, product, partner, value, LEAD(d) OVER(PARTITION BY product, partner ORDER BY d) AS next_d
  FROM history
  ORDER BY product, partner, d
SELECT date_in_range, product, partner, value
FROM daterange
JOIN temp
ON daterange.date_in_range >= PARSE_DATE('%Y-%m-%d', temp.d)
AND (daterange.date_in_range < PARSE_DATE('%Y-%m-%d', temp.next_d) OR temp.next_d IS NULL)
ORDER BY product, partner, date_in_range

这篇关于重复记录组以填补 Google BigQuery 中的多个日期间隔的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 00:35