










Hello everyone. I am as new to this forum as I am to Microsoft Access.

I am working on a case at the law firm I work at. Basically the table I have shows all point of sale (cash register) transactions for a particular person. It has the following columns: Store Number; Date; Time, Ticket Number, Amount $; Subtotal; Tax; and Employee ID.

What I want to do is be able to show that this particular employee was always making sales and therefore was never away from the register more than 30 minutes.

For example: the first transaction shows that on, say, 01/06/2001 at 10:01 am a sale was made. The second transaction shows that another sale was made on 01/06/2001 at 10:16 a.m. The third shows another sale at 10:22 a.m. The table goes on forever.

What I need to do is be able to find a way to create a query (I think) wherein a column will show the time between the first transaction and the second transaction; the time between the second transaction and the third....and so on.

I can do it manually by just seeing that obviously between the 1st and 2nd sale the interval was 15 minutes and the time between the 2nd and 3rd sale was 6 minutes. However, the table is quite lengthy and I would like to know if Access could help me out in any way.

I would GREATLY appreciate any help.



I think this would be difficult to accomplish via a Query, but I''ll let some of the more SQL Proficient Moderators/Experts have a look and see what they come up with. I can probably arrive at a solution via the code route, but again I''ll see if someone comes up with a better solution first. Right now, I''m going on Vacation but I''ll check back in a couple of days.


07-22 23:59