


I have seen long articles explaining how floating point numbers can be stored and how the arithmetic of those numbers is being done, but please briefly explain why when I write

cout << 1.0 / 3.0 <<endl;

我看到 0.333333 ,但当我写

cout << 1.0 / 3.0 + 1.0 / 3.0 + 1.0 / 3.0 << endl;

我看到 1


How does the computer do this? Please explain just this simple example. It is enough for me.



The problem is that the floating point format represents fractions in base 2.

第一个分数位为½,第二个¼,并以1 / 2 结束。

The first fraction bit is ½, the second ¼, and it goes on as 1 / 2.


And the problem with that is that not every rational number (a number that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers) actually has a finite representation in this base 2 format.

(这使得浮点格式难以用于货币值。尽管这些值总是有理数( n / 100),但只有.00,。

(This makes the floating point format difficult to use for monetary values. Although these values are always rational numbers (n/100) only .00, .25, .50, and .75 actually have exact representations in any number of digits of a base two fraction.)


Anyway, when you add them back, the system eventually gets a chance to round the result to a number that it can represent exactly.

在某些时候,它发现自己添加了.666 ...数字到.333 ...一个,像这样:

At some point, it finds itself adding the .666... number to the .333... one, like so:

  00111110 1  .o10101010 10101010 10101011
+ 00111111 0  .10101010 10101010 10101011o
  00111111 1 (1).0000000 00000000 0000000x  # the x isn't in the final result

最左边的位是符号,接下来的8位是指数,剩余的位是分数。在指数和分数之间是假设的1,其总是存在,并且因此不被实际存储为归一化的最左分数位。我写了零,实际上不存在作为个别位 o

The leftmost bit is the sign, the next eight are the exponent, and the remaining bits are the fraction. In between the exponent and the fraction is an assummed "1" that is always present, and therefore not actually stored, as the normalized leftmost fraction bit. I've written zeroes that aren't actually present as individual bits as o.


A lot has happened here, at each step, the FPU has taken rather heroic measures to round the result. Two extra digits of precision (beyond what will fit in the result) have been kept, and the FPU knows in many cases if any, or at least 1, of the remaining rightmost bits were one. If so, then that part of the fraction is more than 0.5 (scaled) and so it rounds up. The intermediate rounded values allow the FPU to carry the rightmost bit all the way over to the integer part and finally round to the correct answer.

这没有发生,因为任何人加0.5; FPU只是在格式的限制下做了最好的。浮点实际上不是不准确的。它是完全准确的,但是我们期望在基数10,理性数世界视图中看到的大多数数据不能由格式的基-2分数表示。事实上,很少有。

This didn't happen because anyone added 0.5; the FPU just did the best it could within the limitations of the format. Floating point is not, actually, inaccurate. It's perfectly accurate, but most of the numbers we expect to see in our base-10, rational-number world-view are not representable by the base-2 fraction of the format. In fact, very few are.


07-22 23:58