我想创建一个包含我的类的实例变量的 JSON 字符串.
I'd like to create a JSON string containing the instance variables of my class.
class Example {
std::string string;
std::map<std::string, std:string> map;
std::vector<int> vector;
"map": {
我研究了几个用于创建 JSON 的 C++ 库,它们看起来都非常复杂.我想要类似于 Javascript 的 JSON.stringify(object)
的东西.换句话说,只需将 std::map 传递给它并接收一个字符串.地图可以包含其他地图、向量、列表、字符串、数字和布尔值.
I've looked into several C++ libraries for creating JSON and they all seem incredibly complex. I'd like something similar to Javascript's JSON.stringify(object)
. In other words just pass a std::map to it and receive a string. The map could contain other maps, vectors, lists, strings, numbers and bools.
json spirit, jsoncpp, zoolib, JOST, CAJUN, libjson, nosjob, JsonBox, jsonme--
据我所知,我可以在下面的答案中构建一个单独的 JSON 对象并转换为 JSON 我希望能够将我的东西存储在标准集合中并进行转换.
Which I understand I can construct a separate JSON object as in an answer below and convert to JSON I'd like to be able to store my stuff in standard collections and convert.
编辑 2
好吧,放弃序列化类的想法,因为 C++ 缺乏反射,这似乎是不可能的.
Okay, scrap the idea of serializing a class since it appears that's impossible with C++'s lack of reflection.
是否有一种很好的方法可以将包含 std::maps、std::vectors、std::lists、数字、字符串和 bool 的 std::map 转换为 JSON,而无需更改数据类型或将数据复制到新数据类型?
Is there a nice way to convert a std::map containing std:maps, std::vectors, std::lists, numbers, strings, and bools to JSON without having to change datatypes or copying data to a new datatype?
JSON Spirit 会允许你这样做:
Object addr_obj;
addr_obj.push_back( Pair( "house_number", 42 ) );
addr_obj.push_back( Pair( "road", "East Street" ) );
addr_obj.push_back( Pair( "town", "Newtown" ) );
ofstream os( "address.txt" );
os.write( addr_obj, os, pretty_print );
"house_number" : 42,
"road" : "East Street",
"town" : "Newtown"
json_map_demo.cpp 将是一个不错的地方开始吧,我想.
The json_map_demo.cpp would be a nice place to start, I suppose.
这篇关于将 C++ 类转换为 JSON的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!