



  function myFunction(marker1,marker2){
var firstAddress =空值;
var secondAddress = null;

#如果地理编码成功,set secondAddress
return [firstAddress, secondAddress];


code> myFunction的。地理编码调用是异步的,对吧?所以它会很快执行并返回,并在结果上调用回调函数。当我返回地址时,地理编码是否完成?我怎么才能确保这两个函数在返回之前完成? 解决方案

简短回答:不。在AJAX完成之前,您几乎可以立即到达 myFunction ,很可能 well 的返回行。


  function myFunction(marker1,marker2) {
var firstAddress = null;
var secondAddress = null;

document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag = 0;



document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag = -1;
},15000); // - 确保我们不会无限期卡住

while(document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag< 2&&document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag> 0){
// wait

if(document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag< 0){
} else {
return [firstAddress,secondAddress];

一定要添加一个您的 marker1.getPosition() marker2.getPosition() callbacks中的document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag ++


Let's say I have these geocoding calls:

function myFunction(marker1,marker2) {
  var firstAddress  = null;
  var secondAddress = null;
  geocoder.geocode({'latLng': marker1.getPosition()}, function(results, status) {
    # if geocoding successful, set firstAddress

  geocoder.geocode({'latLng': marker2.getPosition()}, function(results, status) {
    # if geocoding successful, set secondAddress
  return [firstAddress,secondAddress];


Let's say I call myFunction. The geocode call is asynchronous, right? So it will execute and return quickly, calling the callback on results. Will the geocoding have finished when I return the addresses? How could I ensure that both functions finished before returning?


Short answer: no. You will almost immediately get to the return line of myFunction, most likely well before the AJAX has completed.

Your best bet is to force geoCoder's requests to be synchronous. If you can't, then what you will need to do is set a global flag indicating when both requests have completed and wait for that flag to be set. If it is, then you can gather your data, construct your array, and return it.

function myFunction(marker1,marker2) {
  var firstAddress  = null;
  var secondAddress = null;

  document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag = 0;

  geocoder.geocode({'latLng': marker1.getPosition()}, function(results, status) {
    # if geocoding successful, set firstAddress

  geocoder.geocode({'latLng': marker2.getPosition()}, function(results, status) {
    # if geocoding successful, set secondAddress

  setTimeout( function( ) {
    document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag = -1;
  }, 15000 ); // -- ensure that we don't get stuck indefinitely

  while( document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag < 2 && document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag > 0 ) {
    // wait

  if( document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag < 0 ) {
    return 'timeout';
  } else {
    return [firstAddress,secondAddress];

Be sure to add a document.geoCodeRequestCompleteFlag++ inside your marker1.getPosition() and marker2.getPosition() callbacks.

The downside to this, is that if your requests take a long time, the browser may kill your script.


07-22 23:26