

我一直在阅读许多其他问题,例如 [1] [2] [3] 例如,但问题仍然存在.

I've been reading many other questions, like these[1][2][3] for example, but the problem still persists.

我需要找到一种干净"的方法来为移动设备提供HTML input,并且该方法要遵守所有这三个规则:

I need to find the "cleanest" way to have a HTML input for mobile devices and which respects all these three rules:

  1. 主要适用于数字,整数或浮点数
  2. 在Chrome(Android版)和Safari(iOS版)上显示移动设备上的数字键盘,没有奇怪的额外键

  1. suitable mainly for numbers, integer or float
  2. shows the numeric keypad on mobile devices, on Chrome for Android and Safari for iOS, with no strange extra keys


fully respects the HTML5 rules (tested by W3 validator)


I've been across these solutions, which neither of theme cumulatively respects those three above rules.

<input type="text" pattern="\d*" />

尽管此解决方案可在iOS上运行并满足w3验证程序测试的HTML规则,但仍可在Chrome Android中使用QWERTY键盘显示完整的键盘.

This solution despite working in iOS and fulfilling HTML rules tested by w3 validator, presents in Chrome Android the full keypad with the QWERTY keyboard.

<input type="number" pattern="\d*" />

此解决方案可在iOS和Android Chrome两种系统上使用,在两个系统上均显示数字小键盘,但会抛出HTML验证错误

This solution works on both systems iOS and Android Chrome, showing the numbers keypad on both systems, but it throws out a HTML validation error

<input type="number" />


This solution passes the HTML test, shows nice on Chrome, but on iOS keypad it presents several unwanted keys


I see that many developers use this solution

<input type="tel" />

但是正如在Android Chrome浏览器上进行的测试一样,它不允许使用点号(.),并且键中包含字母,这是多余的.

But as tested with Android Chrome, it doesn't allow dot symbols (.), and the keys have letters, which is superfluous.



For your specific task I have the extraordinary solution: we take the best solution with type="text" and pattern and then add the JavaScript which corrects the type attribute. We do it to pass through W3 validator.


// iOS detection from: stackoverflow.com/a/9039885 with explanation about MSStream
if(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream)
    var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]');
    for(var i = inputs.length; i--;)
        inputs[i].setAttribute('pattern', '\\d*');
<input type="number" />


My solution respects all your three rules (W3 validator inclusive).


But I have to mention that in this case(with pattern) on iOS we do not have the possibility to put float numbers with numeric keypad because on iOS we do not have any keypad with numbers including points. On Android we have this possibility. If you want to have numeric keypad with float numbers then you have to write for iOS extra solution like follows:

 <input type="number" />


07-25 15:50