






如果这是正常的网页,我可以在HEAD部分中放入<meta http-equiv=''refresh'' content=''2;url=''file_name or URL''>这样的行.


此处 [ ^ ].

I have a spreadsheet that is autosaved every 2 minutes, and it also autorepublishes as a webpage.
This webpage is then uploaded to the webspace as part of this two minute cycle.

This is fine and works well.

However, I would like to have anyone looking at this page to see the update automatically, without having to remember to F5.

If this was a normal webpage I could put in a line like <meta http-equiv=''refresh'' content=''2;url=''file_name or URL''> in the HEAD section.

However as the page is created automatically in Excel then this cannot be included so does anyone have any idea how I can do this?

Here[^] is the table.
As you can see it shows the English Football League Tables and updates after every goal is scored, showing the tables live and as it happens.


Option Explicit

'call below procedure on Workbook_Open() event
Sub StartTick()
'save data to html file every 10 second
End Sub

'call below procedure on Workbook_BeforeClose() event
Sub StopTick()
'stop saving
Application.OnTime LatestTime:=Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), Procedure:=ThisWorkbook.Name & "!SaveMyData", Schedule:=False
End Sub

Sub SaveMyData()
ExportDataToHTML ThisWorkbook.Path & "\league.html"
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 10), Procedure:=ThisWorkbook.Name & "!SaveMyData", Schedule:=True
End Sub

'export data to html
Sub ExportDataToHTML(dstFileName As String)
Dim sTmp As String, numFile As Integer
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer
Dim wsh As Worksheet

On Error GoTo Err_ExportDataToHTML

Set wsh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
numFile = FreeFile
Open dstFileName For Output As #numFile
    Print #numFile, "<html>"
    Print #numFile, "<head>"
    Print #numFile, "<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=windows-1252'>"
    Print #numFile, "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url='file_name or URL'>"
    Print #numFile, "<meta name=Generator content='CustomExcelGenerator'>"
    Print #numFile, "</head>"
    Print #numFile, "<body bgcolor='aqua'>"
    'main table
    'contains only one row, but many columns
    Print #numFile, "<table name='MainContainer' align='center'>"
    Print #numFile, "<tr>"
    'first column: Premier column
    Print #numFile, "<td><p align='center' bgcolor='yellow'><b>Premier</b></p>"
        Print #numFile, "<table name='Premier' border=1>"
        Print #numFile, "<tr bgcolor='orange'><th>Team</th><th>Pl</th><th>P</th><th>GD</th><th>GS</th></tr>"
        For r = 3 To 20
            Print #numFile, IIf(r Mod 2 = 0, "<tr bgcolor='white'>", "<tr bgcolor='gray'>")
            For c = 2 To 6 'B to F
                Print #numFile, "<td>" & wsh.Cells(r, c).Value & "</td>"
            Next c
            Print #numFile, "</tr>"
        Next r
        Print #numFile, "</table>"
    Print #numFile, "</td>"
    'end of first column of MainContainer table
    '--- separator ---
    Print #numFile, "<td>&nbsp</td>"
    '--- end of separator ---
    'second column: Championship
    Print #numFile, "<td><p align='center' bgcolor='yellow'><b>Championship</b></p>"
        Print #numFile, "<table name='Championship' border=1>"
        Print #numFile, "<tr bgcolor='orange'><th>Team</th><th>Pl</th><th>P</th><th>GD</th><th>GS</th></tr>"
        For r = 3 To 20
            Print #numFile, IIf(r Mod 2 = 0, "<tr bgcolor='white'>", "<tr bgcolor='gray'>")
            For c = 8 To 12
                Print #numFile, "<td>" & wsh.Cells(r, c).Value & "</td>"
            Next c
            Print #numFile, "</tr>"
        Next r
        Print #numFile, "</table>"
    Print #numFile, "</td>"
    'end of second column
    '--- separator ---
    Print #numFile, "<td>&nbsp</td>"
    '--- end of separator ---
    '3 column: League 1
    Print #numFile, "<td><p align='center' bgcolor='yellow'><b>League 1</b></p>"
        Print #numFile, "<table name='League1' border=1>"
        Print #numFile, "<tr bgcolor='orange'><th>Team</th><th>Pl</th><th>P</th><th>GD</th><th>GS</th></tr>"
        For r = 3 To 20
            Print #numFile, IIf(r Mod 2 = 0, "<tr bgcolor='white'>", "<tr bgcolor='gray'>")
            For c = 14 To 18
                Print #numFile, "<td>" & wsh.Cells(r, c).Value & "</td>"
            Next c
            Print #numFile, "</tr>"
        Next r
        Print #numFile, "</table>"
    Print #numFile, "</td>"
    'end of 3 column
    '--- separator ---
    Print #numFile, "<td>&nbsp</td>"
    '--- end of separator ---
    '4 column: League 2
    Print #numFile, "<td><p align='center' bgcolor='yellow'><b>League 2</b></p>"
        Print #numFile, "<table name='League2' border=1>"
        Print #numFile, "<tr bgcolor='orange'><th>Team</th><th>Pl</th><th>P</th><th>GD</th><th>GS</th></tr>"
        For r = 3 To 20
            Print #numFile, IIf(r Mod 2 = 0, "<tr bgcolor='white'>", "<tr bgcolor='gray'>")
            For c = 20 To 24
                Print #numFile, "<td>" & wsh.Cells(r, c).Value & "</td>"
            Next c
            Print #numFile, "</tr>"
        Next r
        Print #numFile, "</table>"
    Print #numFile, "</td>"
    'end of 4 column
    '--- separator ---
    Print #numFile, "<td>&nbsp</td>"
    '--- end of separator ---
    '4 column: Blue Square Prem
    Print #numFile, "<td><p align='center' bgcolor='yellow'><b>Blue Square Prem.</b></p>"
        Print #numFile, "<table name='BSP' border=1>"
        Print #numFile, "<tr bgcolor='orange'><th>Team</th><th>Pl</th><th>P</th><th>GD</th><th>GS</th></tr>"
        For r = 3 To 20
            Print #numFile, IIf(r Mod 2 = 0, "<tr bgcolor='white'>", "<tr bgcolor='gray'>")
            For c = 26 To 30
                Print #numFile, "<td>" & wsh.Cells(r, c).Value & "</td>"
            Next c
            Print #numFile, "</tr>"
        Next r
        Print #numFile, "</table>"
    Print #numFile, "</td>"
    'end of 4 column
    '=== row 2 - generation time ===
    Print #numFile, "<tr><td colspan=10>Last update: " & Now & "<td></tr>"
    Print #numFile, "</table>"
    'end of MainContainer table

    'end of body
    Print #numFile, "</body>"
    'end of html document
    Print #numFile, "</html>"
Close #numFile

    On Error Resume Next
    Set wsh = Nothing
    'in case of write error
    Close #numFile
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, Err.Number
    Resume Exit_ExportDataToHTML
End Sub


Have a nice day ;)


07-22 21:51