But the above question did not answer my problem, as it talks about the full control definition. (I also tried some of the tricks shown there, but they do not work for my problem).
I am now asking about definition for only part of the control. (It is also very hard to follow up on an old question using this forum format. Because using the tiny comment area, it hard to ask and show more like when asking a new question where the space is larger, and one can paste code and images).
All the tries I have made do not work. I'll start by simple example to explain the problem.
Manipulate[Plot[f*g, {x, -1, 1}],
PopupMenu[Dynamic[f], {x, x^2, x^3}, ImageSize -> Tiny]},{Style["g(x)="],
PopupMenu[Dynamic[g], {x, x^2, x^3}, ImageSize -> Tiny]}
您可以看到每个控件定义中都有大量的代码重复.(像 ImageSize、Spacings-> 和许多其他装饰设置,会为每个控件一遍又一遍地重复.
you can see there is allot of code duplication in each control definition. (things like ImageSize, Spacings-> and many other decoration settings, are repeated over and over for each control.
What will be great, if I can write something like
Manipulate[Plot[f*g, {x, -1, 1}],
{Style["f(x)="], PopupMenu[Dynamic[f], Evaluate@Sequence@v]},
{Style["g(x)="], PopupMenu[Dynamic[g], Evaluate@Sequence@v]}
Initialization :>
v = {{x, x^2, x^3}, ImageSize -> Tiny}
But this does not work. I tries many other things along the above line, and nothing works. Like
{Style["f(x)="], PopupMenu[Dynamic[f], v]},
{Style["f(x)="], PopupMenu[Dynamic[f], Evaluate@v]}
Manipulate[Plot[f*g, {x, -1, 1}],
{{v, {{x, x^2, x^3}, ImageSize -> Tiny}}, None},
{Style["f(x)="], PopupMenu[Dynamic[f], Evaluate@v]},
{Style["g(x)="], PopupMenu[Dynamic[g], v]}
但这里是游戏规则:这将是一个演示,因此,代码必须以 Manipulate 开头.在 Manipulate 之外不能有模块.另外,不能使用 Hold 和它的朋友.但可以使用未评估.
But here are the rules of the game: This will be for a demo, hence, code must start with Manipulate. Can't have Module outside Manipulate. Also, can not use Hold and its friends. But can use Unevaluated.
I was hoping the experts here might have a trick to do this. The will reduce the code size if it is possible to do, as many of the control I have, contain many 'options' like the above that are the same, and being able to do the above will make the code easier to read and manage.
ps.我所要求的,有点类似于对 Plot 选项所做的事情,可以使用 SetOptions 来设置一些常见的默认选项,这样他们就不必每次都为每个 Plot 命令复制它们.但在这种情况下没有这样的事情.
ps. What I am asking for, is sort of similar to what one does for say Plot options, where one can use SetOptions to set some common default options so they do not have to duplicate them for each Plot command each time. But there is no such thing in this case.
Using the method shown by Leonid below, (the Macro trick), I wanted to use it to help me define number of controls, all using one common setting. This is what I tried:
Manipulate[{x, y},
control1 = Function[{var, initialValue, str, from, to, incr},
{{var, initialValue, str}, from, to, incr, ImageSize -> Tiny}
First@control1[x, 0, "x=", 0, 1, .1],
First@control1[y, 0, "y=", 0, 2, .1],
First@control1[z, 0, "z=", 0, 10, .1]
问题只是整个事情的一个额外 {},否则它会起作用.会继续努力解决这个问题.但是越来越近了.尝试过 Sequence[] 和 Flatten[..,1] 等,但还不能做到.多煮点咖啡应该会有帮助.
The problem is just an extra {} around the whole thing, else it will work. Will keep trying to solve this. But getting close. Tried Sequence[], and Flatten[..,1] and such, but can not do it yet. Making more coffee, should help.
更新 2
下面是一个使用 Simon 方法来帮助定义跨多个控件的通用定义的示例.这样,就可以使用它来减少一组单独控件上的公共选项的代码重复
This is below an example using Simon method to use to help define common definition across more than one control. This way, one can use it to reduce code duplication for common options on set of separate controls
注意,必须使用 Control[]
Notice, had to use Control[]
to get it to control.
Manipulate[{x, y, z},
{control1[x, 0, "x=", 0, 1, .1]},
{control1[y, 0, "y=", 0, 2, .1]},
{control1[z, 0, "z=", 0, 10, .1]}
Function[{var, initialValue, str, from, to, incr},
Control[{{var, initialValue, str}, from, to, incr,
ImageSize -> Tiny}], HoldFirst]}, None}
更新 3
并且让 Leonid 方法也适用于多个控件.诀窍是使用Control[]
.不能使用普通的旧 {{x,0,"x"},...}
And got Leonid method to work also on more than one control. The trick is to use Control[]
. Can't use plain old {{x,0,"x"},...}
Manipulate[{x, y, z},
control1 = Function[{var, initialValue, str, from, to, incr},
Control[{{var, initialValue, str}, from, to, incr,
ImageSize -> Tiny}]
, HoldAll
{control1[x, 0, "x=", 0, 1, .1]},
{control1[y, 0, "y=", 0, 2, .1]},
{control1[z, 0, "z=", 0, 10, .1]}
我将尝试将其中一种方法集成到我的主要演示中(到目前为止,仅有 600 多行代码仅用于控件布局,并且每分钟都在增加,希望这些方法可以将其缩小很多)
I'll try to integrate one of these methods into my main demo (has over 600 lines of code just for the control layout so far and growing by the minute, hopefully these methods will shrink this by quite a bit)
更新 9/26/11.晚上 7 点
I thought I post a 'birds eye' view of the code saving by using 'macros' to define controls which contains many common boiler-plate code. Here is a screen shot of before and after.
Thanks again for all the answer and help.
Manipulate[Plot[f*g, {x, -1, 1}],
With[{styleAndpopup =
Function[{st, fun},
PopupMenu[Dynamic[fun], {x, x^2, x^3}, ImageSize -> Tiny]
Grid[{styleAndpopup["f(x)=", f], styleAndpopup["g(x)=", g]}]]]
这实际上是代码生成工作的一个小例子,因为如果您查看结果 Manipulate
的 FullForm
实际上不是这里的函数,而是一个宏,使用 With
This is actually a tiny example of the code-generation at work, since if you look at the FullForm
of the resulting Manipulate
, you will see the same expression you originally started with. The styleAndpopup
is actually not a function here, but a macro, locally defined using With
根据 OP 的要求 - 推广到许多控件.最简单的解决方法是插入 Sequence@@...
作为 Sequence @@ {First@control1[...
Per request of the OP - generalizing to many controls. The easiest fix is to insert Sequence@@...
as Sequence @@ {First@control1[...
. However, there is some extraneous stuff that can be removed as well:
Manipulate[{x, y},
Evaluate@With[{control1 =
Function[{var, initialValue, str, from, to, incr},
Unevaluated@{{var, initialValue, str}, from, to, incr, ImageSize -> Tiny},
Sequence @@ {
control1[x, 0, "x=", 0, 1, .1],
control1[y, 0, "y=", 0, 2, .1],
control1[z, 0, "z=", 0, 10, .1]}]]
这篇关于如何定义部分 Manipulate 控制变量定义以减少代码重复的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!