

做了.NET程序集的大小会影响性能呢?如何组件的Windows窗体/ Web表单的项目有多少?

Does the size of a .net assembly affect performance at all? How about the number of assemblies in your windows forms/web forms project?



From Microsoft's Patterns & Practices Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability Chapter 5:


Prefer Single Large Assemblies Rather Than MultipleSmaller Assemblies


To help reduce your application’s working set, you should prefer single largerassemblies rather than multiple smaller assemblies. If you have several assembliesthat are always loaded together, you should combine them and create a singleassembly.


The overhead associated with having multiple smaller assemblies can be attributedto the following:

  • 加载元数据较小的组件的成本。
  • 在谈到在pre-编译图像的各种内存页的CLR为了加载组件(如果它是pcompiled与Ngen.exe $ P $)。
  • 在JIT编译时间。
  • 安全检查。
  • The cost of loading metadata for smaller assemblies.
  • Touching various memory pages in pre-compiled images in the CLR in orderto load the assembly (if it is precompiled with Ngen.exe).
  • JIT compile time.
  • Security checks.


Because you pay for only the memory pages your program accesses, largerassemblies provide the Native Image Generator utility (Ngen.exe) with a greaterchance to optimize the native image it produces. Better layout of the image meansthat necessary data can be laid out more densely, which in turn means fewer overallpages are needed to do the job compared to the same code laid out in multipleassemblies.


Sometimes you cannot avoid splitting assemblies; for example, for versioning anddeployment reasons. If you need to ship types separately, you may need separateassemblies.


10-11 04:36