

是否可以使用 XSL 访问名称存储在另一个变量(或参数)中的变量(或参数)?如果没有,为什么?

Is it possible using XSL to access a variable (or a parameter) whose name is stored in another variable (or parameter)? If no, why?

我是 xsl 的新手,来自其他语言,可以访问此功能,如 bash、ant.也许我什至在寻找这个问题的答案也是错误的.但是因为我没有在SO上找到它,所以我认为应该有一个.

I am new to xsl, coming from other languages, where this functionality is accessible, like bash, ant. Maybe I was wrong even looking for an answer to this question. But since I didn't find it on SO, I think there should be one.

两个例子.我有参数 p1p2p3.然后我有一个参数pname,它的值是一个字符串p2.我想使用 pname 读取 p2 的值,例如 $$pname${$pname}>.或者以更复杂的方式.如果 pnumber 等于 2,那么我想读取名称为 concat('p', $pnumber) 的参数的值,我会编码为
param-value(concat('p', $pnumber)).

Two examples. I have parameters p1, p2, p3. Then I have a parameter pname whose value is a string p2. I would like to read the value of p2 using pname, something like $$pname or ${$pname}. Or in a more complicated way. If pnumber is equal to 2, then I would like to read the value of the parameter with name concat('p', $pnumber), something I would code as
param-value(concat('p', $pnumber)).


当 XSLT 样式表将自身作为常规 XML 文档访问时,这是可能的:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:param name="p1" select="'P1-Value'"/>
 <xsl:param name="p2" select="'P2-Value'"/>
 <xsl:param name="p3" select="'P3-Value'"/>

 <xsl:param name="pName" select="'p3'"/>
 <xsl:param name="pNumber" select="2"/>

 <xsl:variable name="vDoc" select="document('')"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
     <xsl:value-of select=
     "concat('Param with name ',
             ' has value: ',
             $vDoc/*/xsl:param[@name = $pName]/@select

   <xsl:variable name="vParam" select=
      "$vDoc/*/xsl:param[@name = concat('p', $pNumber)]"/>

     <xsl:value-of select=
     "concat('Param with name p',
             ' has value: ',



Param with name p3 has value: 'P3-Value'
Param with name p2 has value: 'P2-Value'


表达式 document('') 选择当前 XSLT 样式表的文档节点.

The expression document('') selects the document node of the current XSLT stylesheet.

一个限制是当前的 XSLT 样式表必须具有(可通过)一个 URI(例如驻留在给定的文件中并可以通过其文件名访问)——如果样式表是动态生成(内存中的字符串).

A limitation is that the current XSLT stylesheet must have (be accessible via) a URI (such as residing at a given file and accessible by its filename) -- the above code doesn't produce a correct result if the stylesheet is dynamically generated (a string in memory).


08-21 14:17