本文介绍了swift 2.0 - UITextFieldDelegate协议扩展无法正常工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用协议扩展在某些 UITextFieldDelegate 的方法上添加默认行为,如下所示:

I'm trying to add a default behavior on some UITextFieldDelegate's methods using protocol extensions like so :

extension ViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
    // Works if I uncommented this so I know delegates are properly set
//    func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
//        textField.resignFirstResponder()
//        return true
//    }

extension UITextFieldDelegate {
    func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {

        return true


As you may guess, the keyboard never dismiss. I can't really see where's the problem here. Is this a language limitation ? Did someone already success doing it ?


正如@Logan建议的那样,默认协议的方法实现不适用于标记为 @objc 的协议。但是, UITextFieldDelegate 具有以下签名公共协议UITextFieldDelegate:NSObjectProtocol {...}

As @Logan suggested, default protocol's method implementation doesn't work with protocols marked as @objc. However, UITextFieldDelegate has the following signature public protocol UITextFieldDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {...}

我测试 NSObjectProtocol 的默认实现,它似乎工作正常:

I've test default implementation for NSObjectProtocol and it seems to works fine :

protocol Toto: NSObjectProtocol {
    func randomInt() -> Int

extension Toto {
    func randomInt() -> Int {
        return 0

class Tata: NSObject, Toto {}

let int = Tata().randomInt() // returns 0



I can't be 100% positive, but here's what I believe is happening:

无法从 ObjC 访问协议扩展。由于 UITextFieldDelegate ObjC 协议,因此它依赖于 ObjC 调度。就编译器而言,默认实现中的方法是不可访问的,即使它们确实存在。

Protocol extensions aren't accessible from ObjC. Since UITextFieldDelegate is an ObjC protocol, its reliant on ObjC dispatching. As far as the compiler is concerned, the methods in your default implementation are inaccessible, even though they do exist.


To clarify, we can extend these protocols if its truly an extension and adds behavior. This behavior will only be accessible in Swift and shouldn't be problematic in any way.

问题是默认实现不是 ObjC access。

The problem is default implementations not being ObjC accessible.


Here's a quick example of a custom version:

@objc protocol Test : class {
    func someFunc() -> String

extension Test {
    func someFunc() -> String {
        return ""

// Fails here 'candidate is not @objc but protocol requires it`
class Hi : NSObject, Test {


Xcode建议附加 @objc 但它会一遍又一遍地建议这个,直到你得到 @objc @objc @objc你好:...

Xcode suggests appending @objc but it will keep suggesting this over and over again until you get @objc @objc @objc Hi : ...


Based on our conversation below, I made this which seems to be working. I can't fully explain why yet:

@objc public protocol Toto: UITextFieldDelegate {
    optional func randomInt() -> Int

extension Toto {
    func randomInt() -> Int {
        return 0
    func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        return false

class Tata: NSObject, Toto {

好的,我意识到我正在考虑一个不同的问题,虽然这个编译,但它不起作用,问题是动态调度。如果您尝试使用 @objc dynamic 附加方法,编译器会警告您可以'除了课程外,这种方式都是这样发送的。由于协议异常不符合这一点,当ObjC调度消息send时,它无法在您的扩展中找到实现。

Ok, I realize that I'm considering a different problem, and while this compiles, it won't work, and the issue is dynamic dispatch. If you try to append your method w/ @objc, or dynamic, the compiler will warn you that you can't dispatch this way, except on classes. Since a protocol exception doesn't conform to this, when ObjC dispatches the message send, it can't find the implementation in your extension.


Since Swift is constantly updating, here's when this answer was applicable:

Swift 2.0 Xcode 7 GM

Swift 2.0 Xcode 7 GM

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08-14 01:54