

在下面的函数,我尝试看看,如果一个字符串取值是敞篷通过查看键入 T 我可以读一个类型 T ,如果输入被完全消耗之后。我想

In the following function, I try to see if a string s is convertible to type T by seeing if I can read a type T, and if the input is completely consumed afterwards. I want

template <class T>
bool can_be_converted_to(const std::string& s, T& t)
  std::istringstream i(s);
  if (i and i.eof())
    return true;
    return false;

然而, can_be_converted_to&LT;布尔&GT;(真)计算结果为假,因为 i.eof()就是在函数的最后假的。

However, can_be_converted_to<bool>("true") evaluates to false, because i.eof() is false at the end of the function.

这是正确的,即使功能已经阅读整个字符串,因为它并没有试图读取的过去的是字符串的结尾。 (因此,显然此功能适用于int和double因为 istringstream 读这些的时候读取过去的结束)。

This is correct, even though the function has read the entire string, because it hasn't attempted to read past the end of the string. (So, apparently this function works for int and double because istringstream reads past the end when reading these.)


So, assuming that I should indeed be checking (i and <input completely consumed>):

问:我如何检查输入被完全消耗W / O使用EOF()

Q: How do I check that the input was completely consumed w/o using eof()?



Use peek() or get() to check what's next in the stream:

return (i >> std::boolalpha >> t && i.peek() == EOF);

您版本不适用整数的工作,无论是。考虑此输入: 123 45 。它会读123和报告真实,即使仍有留在流中的某些字符。

Your version doesn't work for integers, either. Consider this input: 123 45. It'll read 123 and report true, even though there are still some characters left in the stream.


09-05 18:48