


How can one make Xcode's UI completely dark?

必须有一种为Xcode设置深色主题的方法(例如Visual Studio拥有它).我不仅在谈论一种编辑器样式的方式,而且在谈论一个完整的深色主题.深色菜单,深色控制台,深色文件浏览器,深色菜单栏等.

There must be a way to have a dark theme for Xcode (like Visual Studio has it for example). I'm not only talking about a way of styling the editor, but a full-on dark theme. Dark menus, dark console, dark file browser, dark menu bar, etc.


Xcode's bright UI hurts at night and I can't be the only one who's really searching for this ;) (please don't recommand f.lux to me now, that's not a solution)


在macOS Mojave上运行的Xcode 10可以将Xcode的UI更改为完全黑暗.只需进入系统偏好设置->常规->外观->单击暗模式

Xcode's UI can be changed to completely dark with Xcode 10 running on macOS Mojave. Just go into System Preferences -> General -> Under Appearance -> Click the dark mode


08-22 13:48