

本文介绍了在 C++ 中我应该把常量字符串放在哪里:静态类成员还是匿名命名空间?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I need to define some constant strings that will be used only by one class. It looks like I have three options:

  1. 将字符串直接嵌入到使用它们的位置.

  1. Embed the strings directly into locations where they are used.


Define them as private static constant members of the class:

class A {
   static const std::string f1;
   static const std::string f2;
   static const std::string f3;

const std::string f1 = "filename1";
const std::string f2 = "filename2";
const std::string f3 = "filename3";

//strings are used in this file

  • 在 cpp 文件的匿名命名空间中定义它们:

  • Define them in an anonymous namespace in the cpp file:

    namespace {
      const std::string f1 = "filename1";
      const std::string f2 = "filename2";
      const std::string f3 = "filename3";
    //strings are used in this file

  • 鉴于这些选项,您会推荐哪一个?为什么?谢谢.

    Given these options, which one would you recommend and why? Thanks.


    我会将它们放在 CPP 文件的匿名命名空间中.它使它们对实现私有,同时使其对作为实现一部分的非成员函数可见(例如 operator<<).

    I'd place them in anonymous namespace in the CPP file. It makes them private to the implementation and at the same moment makes it visible to the non-member functions that are part of implementation (such as operator<<).

    这篇关于在 C++ 中我应该把常量字符串放在哪里:静态类成员还是匿名命名空间?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    07-22 21:15