


fragmentTransaction.replace(),当前片段的的onStop()函数将被调用而 fragmentTransaction.add()不会。

after fragmentTransaction.replace(), current fragment's onStop() function will be calledwhile fragmentTransaction.add() won't.

和调用后 fragMgr.popBackStack(); ,我们将回到previous片段无论 fragmentTransaction.replace fragmentTransaction.add()用于

and after calling fragMgr.popBackStack();, we will return to previous fragment no matter fragmentTransaction.replace or fragmentTransaction.add() is used

那么,是什么 fragmentTransaction.replace 吗?

So what does fragmentTransaction.replace do?


I can understand we can "add" a fragment opon a previous fragment and later return to previous fragment by popBackStack(), BUT:

如果previous片段是改为按当前片段,我想previous片段被删除,当前片段被加了进来,怎么能回到previous片段当 popBackStack()叫什么名字?

if previous fragment is "replaced" by current fragment, I guess previous fragment is removed and current fragment is added in, how can it return to previous fragment when popBackStack() called?



You can add multiple fragments to a container and they will be layered one on top of the other. If your fragments have transparent backgrounds you will see this effect and will be able to interact with the multiple fragments at the same time.


This is what will happen if you use FragmentTransaction.add on a container. Your added fragment will be placed on top of your existing fragment.

如果您使用 FragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.container,片段)这将删除已在该容器中的任何片段和你的新添加到同一个容器。

If you use FragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.container,fragment) it will remove any fragments that are already in the container and add your new one to the same container.


You can also use the add method without a container id and your fragment will simply be added to the list of fragments in the FragmentManager and you can recall these at any time by their Tag value.


You can still return to a previous configuration IF you added the transaction to back stack. You can do this even if a previous operation removed a fragment. The removed fragment is remembered in the transaction and popping the back stack brings it back.


09-04 22:34