我只想将一个包含 yaml 的字符串转换为另一个包含使用 Java 转换的对应 json 的字符串.
I just want to convert a string that contains a yaml into another string that contains the corrseponding converted json using Java.
例如假设我有这个 yaml 的内容
For example supose that I have the content of this yaml
uuid: 8a8cbf60-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66
name: On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I.
author: Kurt Gödel.
- tag:
uuid: 98fb0d90-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66
name: Mathematics
- tag:
uuid: 3f25f680-e068-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66
name: Logic
在名为 yamlDoc 的字符串中:
in a String called yamlDoc:
String yamlDoc = "---
uuid: 8a... etc...";
I want some method that can convert the yaml String into another String with the corresponding json, i.e. the following code
String yamlDoc = "---
uuid: 8a... etc...";
String json = convertToJson(yamlDoc); // I want this method
"paper": {
"uuid": "8a8cbf60-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66",
"name": "On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I.",
"author": "Kurt Gödel."
"tags": [
"tag": {
"uuid": "98fb0d90-e067-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66",
"name": "Mathematics"
"tag": {
"uuid": "3f25f680-e068-11e3-8b68-0800200c9a66",
"name": "Logic"
我想知道在这个例子中是否存在类似于 convertToJson() 方法的东西.
I want to know if exists something similar to the convertToJson() method in this example.
我尝试使用 SnakeYAML 来实现这一点,所以这段代码
I tried to achieve this using SnakeYAML, so this code
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
Map<String,Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) yaml.load(yamlDoc);
构造一个包含已解析 YAML 结构的映射(使用嵌套映射).然后,如果有一个解析器可以将地图转换为 json 字符串,它将解决我的问题,但我也没有找到类似的东西.
constructs a map that contain the parsed YAML structure (using nested Maps). Then if there is a parser that can convert a map into a json String it will solve my problem, but I didn't find something like that neither.
这是一个使用 Jackson 的实现:
Here is an implementation that uses Jackson:
String convertYamlToJson(String yaml) {
ObjectMapper yamlReader = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
Object obj = yamlReader.readValue(yaml, Object.class);
ObjectMapper jsonWriter = new ObjectMapper();
return jsonWriter.writeValueAsString(obj);
这篇关于如何在 Java 中将 YAML 转换为 JSON?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!