/ em>特性在它的公共接口(例如方法接受一个指针),那么你不应该有任何问题使用它从VB.NET。公共语言运行库(CLR)支持不安全的代码,因此C#在编写不安全程序时不会执行任何操作。,您还可以使用,它允许使用可以从VB.NET访问的标准.NET接口快速访问内存。但是在单个项目中混合使用多种语言的能力是.NET的一大优势。
There is an FastBitmap class for C#, that lets you acces and modify pixel information of am bitmap. I have already used it in some C# project, but I need it now in VB.NET.The problem is that that class uses unsafe code, that is not supported in VB.NET.
The question is. Can I compile the FastBitmap class in a dll and use it in VB.NET?
[EDIT]Or is there some library that can be used to modfy pixel data in VB.NET?
Yes, you can do that.
If the class doesn't expose any unsafe features in its public interface (e.g. method taking a pointer) then you shouldn't have any problems using it from VB.NET. The common language runtime (CLR) supports unsafe code, so C# doesn't do any magic when you write unsafe programs.
If you wanted, you could also reimplement the FastBitmap
class in VB.NET using the Marshal class, which gives you fast access to memory using a standard .NET interface accessible from VB.NET as well. But the ability to mix multiple languages in a single project is a great advantage of .NET.