本文介绍了私有 Android 应用程序部署/安装?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以创建仅供内部使用的 Android 应用程序?基本上是不打算由未经批准的手机安装的私人应用程序?

is it possible to create an android application that is meant only for internal use? Basically a private application not meant to be installed by non-approved phones?


If so what is the basic process of deployment? How do you get the app on the employees phone's?



最简单的方法是通过电子邮件将其发送给他们.任何带有 .apk 附件的电子邮件都会收到一个安装"按钮,您可以点击该按钮来安装应用.

The easiest way is to email it to them. Any email with an .apk attachment will get an "Install" button that you can tap to install the app.


Installing from non-market sources needs to be enabled -- which is a bit of a security risk -- but the user will be prompted to turn that on if they need to, and even given a button that will take them right to the appropriate settings page. The whole process is really quite slick. :)

或者,您可以将其复制到手机(例如,在 USB 存储模式下连接手机后),然后使用文件系统应用程序定位并安装该文件.

Alternatively, you can copy it to the phone (e.g. after connecting the phone in USB storage mode) and then use a file system app to locate the file and install it.


Emailing it is the easiest way, however.


I'm assuming you meant private as in "only sent to certain individuals" and you're not actually looking for a method that will prevent the apps from being run on non-approved devices should they end up on one.

这篇关于私有 Android 应用程序部署/安装?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 02:05