




        int numLanes = 8;
        var tasks = new List<Task>();
        for (var i = 0; i < numLanes; ++i)
            var t = new Task(() =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Lane {i}");
        tasks.ForEach((t) => t.Start());


Lane 8
Lane 8
Lane 8
Lane 8
Lane 8
Lane 8
Lane 8
Lane 8

这与预期不同,参数 i 未正确传递.我曾想过使用 Action 来包装代码,但不知道我会怎么做.我不想编写像 Task CreateTask(int i) 这样的专用方法,我对如何使用 lambdas 感兴趣.

Which is not as expected, the parameter i isn't passed correctly. I had thought to use Action<int> to wrap the code but couldn't see how I would. I do not want to write a dedicated method like Task CreateTask(int i) I'm interested how to do it using lambdas.

执行此操作的正常方法是什么 - 使用不同的参数值并行运行相同的代码多次?

What is normal way to do this - spin up the same code a bunch of times in parallel with a different parameter value?


您有一个捕获的循环变量 i,尝试在循环中添加临时变量并将其传递给 任务

You've got a captured loop variable i, try to add temp variable inside a loop and pass it to the Task

for (var i = 0; i < numLanes; ++i)
    var temp = i;
    var t = new Task(() =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Lane {temp}");

进一步阅读如何在 C# 中捕获变量而不是射中自己.foreach 循环在 C# 5 之前具有相同的行为,但根据上面的链接

Further reading How to capture a variable in C# and not to shoot yourself in the foot. foreach loop has the same behavior before C# 5, but according to link above

随着 C# 5.0 标准的发布,这种行为被改变了在每次循环迭代中声明迭代器变量,而不是在编译阶段之前,但对于所有其他结构类似的行为保持不变

因此,您可以使用 foreach 而不使用临时变量

So, you may use foreach without temp variable


07-22 20:31