对于绑定属性,我的MinDate = 1 / 01/1753和MaxDate = 31/12/9998
已通过从日历中选择今天设置了价值5/04/2013 11:27 AM
var dset = base.Context.ContactEvents设置绑定源
var qry = dset.Where(p => p.Id> 0).OrderBy(x => x.Id);
this.bindingSource.DataSource = dset.Local.ToBindingList();
public void RefreshBindingDataSourceAndPosition(BindingSource binding)
binding.DataSource = this.bindingSource.DataSource; //这里出现错误
binding.Position = this.bindingSource.Position;
我可以通过不绑定数据选择器并将其设置在EventsBindingSource_CurrentChanged事件中来解决此问题, / p>
在同时使用SQL Server 2012和2008R2的计算机上会出现问题。我尝试在控制面板中更改日期格式和国家/地区。我也尝试了format属性的不同设置。我还尝试将日期字段设置为支持null。
public virtual SortableBindingList< ContactEventAttendee>与会者{私人套装; }
public virtual ContactEventType ContactEventType {get;组; }
public string Details {get;组; }
公共DateTime? EventTime {get;组; }
公共虚拟SortableBindingList< ContactEventItem>项目{get;私人套装; }
public int State {get;组; }
公用字串Title {get;组; }
public LoggedEntity()
this.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();
this.RowVersionId = 0;
AppDomain dm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; //获取当前线程的当前应用程序域。
对象s = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData( SiteNumber);
this.SourceSiteNumber = Convert.ToInt32(s);
public LoggedEntity(int SiteNumber)
this.RowId = Guid.NewGuid ();
this.RowVersionId = 0;
this.SourceSiteNumber = SiteNumber;
public ind Id {get;组; }
公共Guid RowId {get;组; }
public int RowVersionId {get;组; }
public int SourceSiteNumber {get;组; }
无效的对象名称 dbo .__ MigrationHistory。
I have a bindingsource control called binding, on a form in VS2012, and a DateTimePicker control bound to it.
for the binding properties I have MinDate = 1/01/1753 and MaxDate = 31/12/9998Value has been set by picking Today from the calender 5/04/2013 11:27 AM
I set a bindingsource up using
var dset = base.Context.ContactEvents;
var qry = dset.Where(p => p.Id > 0).OrderBy(x => x.Id);
this.bindingSource.DataSource = dset.Local.ToBindingList();
The bindingsource is used in the following manner;
public void RefreshBindingDataSourceAndPosition(BindingSource binding)
binding.DataSource = this.bindingSource.DataSource; // error raised here
binding.Position = this.bindingSource.Position;
The error information is
I can work around the problem by not binding the Data Picker , and setting it in the EventsBindingSource_CurrentChanged event
However it seems odd to have to do this. How can I get the databinding working?
[Update]This problem is similar to the one described hereI have tried to reproduce the problem in a simpler project so as to try and isolate the cause, however it works in the simpler project. Also the project works on another computer.The problem occurs on my computer with both SQL Server 2012 and 2008R2. I have tried altering the date format and country in control panel. Also I have tried different settings for the format property. I have also tried setting the date field to support null.
When I copy the error to the clipboard it shows the following ;
My EF class is as follows
public class ContactEvent : LoggedEntity
public virtual SortableBindingList<ContactEventAttendee> Attendees { get; private set; }
public virtual ContactEventType ContactEventType { get; set; }
public string Details { get; set; }
public DateTime? EventTime { get; set; }
public virtual SortableBindingList<ContactEventItem> Items { get; private set; }
public int State { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return "Contact Events";
it inherits from
public abstract class LoggedEntity
public LoggedEntity()
this.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();
this.RowVersionId = 0;
AppDomain dm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; // Gets the current application domain for the current Thread.
object s = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("SiteNumber");
this.SourceSiteNumber = Convert.ToInt32(s);
public LoggedEntity(int SiteNumber)
// the following 3 are used to identify the version
this.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();
this.RowVersionId = 0;
this.SourceSiteNumber = SiteNumber;
public int Id { get; set; }
public Guid RowId { get; set; }
public int RowVersionId { get; set; }
public int SourceSiteNumber { get; set; }
[update]A similar problem is here
[update]Another here makes me think I need to look at how keys are being processed.
[update]I noticed the following in the output window
A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
[update]This led me to here
and after turning on the debug options I found an error
Invalid object name 'dbo.__MigrationHistory'.
however that is a known bug in EF5
[Update]: I found another person with similar unsolved issues hereDiscovered I dont have problems when running the .EXE
[update] I can skip over the error by disabling "Break when exceptions cross App Domain or managed/native boundaryin Tools->Options->Debugging->General
[update] I adding the following, so I could inspect the control properties.
The cause of the exception may be that the DatePicker's DataBinding "Value" property has been set to a BindingSource field.Only the DatePicker's DataBinding "Text" property needs to be set for the data binding to work correctly.Check if there is a value in the DatePicker's DataBinding "Value" property field, once removed the issue should go away.