本文介绍了在Matlab中向量化double for循环的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个矩阵A,其中包含一年中每一天的24个值(每小时一个值). A的每一列都是不同的一天,每天都有24行数据(A是24-by-365).我想通过比较每天的小时数据来相互比较每一天.为此,我获取一列数据并将其与下一列进行比较.我将两列中每个小时的数据之差取平方,然后求和并求和得出一个单一值,该值指示两天的相似程度.然后,我用可能的几天组合进行此操作,创建一个365 x 365矩阵d,该矩阵表示每一天之间的相似度.例如,元素d(20,100)包含一个值,该值指示一年中的第20天与第100天有多相似.该代码正在运行,但是速度很慢,我希望能够对其进行向量化.帮助将不胜感激.

I have a matrix A that contains 24 values for each day of the year (one value for each hour). Each column of A is a different day and each day has 24 rows worth of data (A is 24-by-365). I want to compare each day to each other by comparing the hour data of each day. To do this, I take one column of data and compare it to the next column. I take the difference of each hour's data in the two columns and then square and sum them to get a single value indicating how similar the two days are. I then do this with every possible combination of days, creating a 365-by-365 matrix, d, indicating how similar each day is to each other day. For example, element d(20,100) contains a value indicating how similar the 20th day of the year is to the 100th. The code is working, but it is quite slow and I would like to be able to vectorize it. Help would be greatly appreciated.

for j=1:365
    for k=1:365


使用 pdist ,它在C语言中起着举足轻重的作用,并且> c6> 创建距离矩阵:

d = squareform(pdist(A.'));

如果您需要更快的速度(虽然365 x 365并不是很大),请在此处或尝试使用此文件交换程序

If you need this to be even faster (365-by-365 is not very big though), see my answer here or try this File Exchange program.

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07-23 15:34