I am developing an application which should serve as a client to a Web Service.
我已经使用wsimport实用程序基于WSDL文件生成了源文件.在我的开发机上使用JDK 1.7时,它可以很好地工作(例如,它可以编译并正常运行).
I have generated source files based on the WSDL file using the wsimport utility. It works fine on my development machine with JDK 1.7 (e.g. it compiles and runs fine).
尽管如此,我什至无法在拥有JDK 1.5的测试环境中编译应用程序.我收到一堆如下错误:
I cannot even compile the application in the test environment though, where I have JDK 1.5. I get a bunch of errors like the following:
Cannot find symbol: class WebMethod
Is suspect the problem is with the lesser version of JDK.
我该如何解决此问题,例如更新应用程序以使其与Java 1.5兼容?
What should I do to fix this, e.g. to update the application to become Java 1.5 compatible?
It must be run a standalone console application.
(注释)包含在v1.6的J2SE JDK中.在1.5中不存在.它以 Project Metro ,
You're correct, it is a function of your JDK, JAX-WS
(annotations) was included in the J2SE JDK with v1.6. Doesn't exist in 1.5. It lives outside of the JDK as Project Metro, sample code
这篇关于在Java 1.5中编译WS客户端-缺少类似WebService的注释的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!