本文介绍了Outlook SMTPClient服务器错误5.3.4 5.2.0的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个MVC .NET Web应用程序,该应用程序已经稳定运行了一年的大部分时间.但是,今天我们收到了错误代码,我在寻找如何解决问题方面遇到了麻烦.

I have a MVC .NET web application that has been running stable for the most part of a year now. However today we received an error code and I'm having trouble finding how to resolve the issue.


In the application I use SMTPClient to send emails out. For this we use a outlook email account. This was working fine until today. The error code that I get is this:


Here is the code that I use in my application.

var client = new SmtpClient
                Host = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"],
                Port = 587,
                EnableSsl = true,
                DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailSender"],


WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["EmailHost"]设置为 smtp.live.com .

此后,我添加了数据和其他当然需要的信息,但我省略了.当我们到达代码的最后部分时,将引发该错误; client.Send(mail);

After this I add data and the other information needed of course, but I omitted that. The error is thrown when we arrive at the last part of the code; client.Send(mail);


Things I have tried so far that did not work.

  • 登录到outlook.live.com上的电子邮件帐户.
  • 更新了Outlook.live.com上电子邮件帐户的安全设置.
  • smtp.live.com 更改为 smtp-mail.outlook.com
  • 将端口更改为25(这给了我同样的错误)和465(这给了我一个服务器未到达错误)
  • 将EnableSsl设置为false(这样做时客户端不起作用)
  • Log into the email account on outlook.live.com.
  • Updated security settings on outlook.live.com for the email account.
  • Changed smtp.live.com to smtp-mail.outlook.com
  • Changed the Port to 25 (which gave me the same error) and 465 (Which gave me a server not reached error)
  • Set EnableSsl to false (Client doesn't work when I do that)


I have seen several posts on SO and other websites that are similar or have the same error code. But they either go unanswered or they mark logging in to the email account as the solution, which does not work for me.


When we logged into the email account we got an update notice from Microsoft talking about the new privacy and security update. This was from September 16th. I don't know if there is a three-month time limit within which you need to agree to it. But a week ago the email account has sent an email, and yesterday it failed on sending one. We agreed to the agreement pop up but it is still not working though.


Does anybody have any idea what I can try now or what is causing this error?



OK, I resolved this issue on my system as follows:


i was sending the message with a different email address to that of the account I was sending from like this:

string from = "email@somwhere.com";


string from = "thecorrectemailaddress@outlook.com";


so now it works fine ... happy days

MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(from, to);

这篇关于Outlook SMTPClient服务器错误5.3.4 5.2.0的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-07 01:49