我正在使用带有 simple-peer npm 包的 webRTC 应用程序.
I'm using a webRTC application with a simple-peer npm package.
我想知道所有这些主题的目的是什么(SFU.、Janus、mediasoup 或 medooze.) 以及如何将它们集成到我的应用程序中性能更高?
I want to know what is the purpose of all these topics (SFU., Janus, mediasoup or medooze.) and how can I integrate them to make my application performance greater?
PS:我正在使用 node.js 服务器捆绑我架构上的对等点之间的请求和信令.是否需要这些服务器和服务才能使我的应用程序性能良好?
PS: I'm using a node.js server the bundle the requesting and signaling between peers on my architecture. are those servers and services required to make my application performance well?
Hope I could find an answer here ...
使用常规的 webrtc,每个对等点都需要向每个其他对等点单独发送和接收其数据.因此,假设有 10 个同行进行视频聊天.然后每个对等点必须同时发送他们的视频 9 次,并且也接收 9 次.每个对等点都会使用他们通常没有的大量上传带宽.
With regular webrtc every peer needs to send and receive its data seperately to every other peer.So let's say there are 10 peers that do a video chat. Then every peer has to send their video 9 times simultaneously and also receive 9.Every peer would use a big amount of upload bandwidth which they usually don't have.
SFU 通过每个对等点仅向媒体服务器发送一个流并让该服务器完成到其他对等点的所有路由来解决此问题.这样每个peer只发送1个流,接收9个.下载最大下载带宽通常高于上传带宽.
SFUs solve this problem by every peer sending only one stream to a mediaserver and letting that server do all the routing to the other peers. This way every peer only sends 1 stream and receives 9. The download max download bandwidth is usually higher than the upload bandwidth.
还有一种叫做联播的东西,它会根据对等方的可用带宽自动切换质量.我已经能够通过 mediasoup 实现这一目标.
There is also something called simulcast which automatically switches the quality of depending on the available bandwidth of the peer. I have been able to achieve this with mediasoup.
这篇关于SFU的作用是什么.,Janus,mediasoup或medooze.在 webRTC 应用程序上的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!