

我在R5单元格中创建了一个包含名称的下拉列表,我们将其命名为Name1 Name2 Name3.我想当用户选择一个特定的名称时,工作表将向下滚动到特定的行.例如,如果选择了名称1,我希望它转到第2行,如果选择了名称2,则选择10行,并且选择名称3的行18.该列表与我要滚动到的数据在同一工作表上.我可以使用一些代码来做到这一点吗?

I have created a drop-down list in cell R5 containing names, lets call them Name1 Name2 Name3. I'd like when the user selects a certain name the sheet will scroll down to a specific row. For instance, if Name 1 is selected I'd like it to go to row 2, if Name2 is selected row 10, and Name3 row 18. The list is on the same worksheet as the data I'm wanting to scroll to. Is there some code I can use to do this?


您将需要使用Sheet Events来处理此问题.像这样:

You would need to use Sheet Events to handle this. Something like this:


In your Worksheet Module of the worksheet that has your input range, put this code

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim InputRange As Excel.Range
    Set InputRange = Me.Range("R5")

    '// Check if the change is happening in your dropdown cell
    If Not Intersect(Target, InputRange) Is Nothing Then
        Select Case InputRange.Value
            Case "Name1"
                Application.ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 2
            Case "Name2"
                Application.ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 10
            Case "Name3"
                Application.ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 18
            Case Else
        End Select
    End If
End Sub


If you're having trouble getting this to work. Try adding a breakpoint by clicking in the area to the left of the code. A breakpoint will halt execution when the flow of code reaches that point. This is one way to figure out if Excel is even TRYING to run this block of code.



08-12 12:29