


Is there a way to get Isolated storage machine scope file.But only the machine scope file without application, app domain or user.

IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.Machine, null);


I need to write a string that different applications and users can read.


TolgaKaradayi wrote:


I need to write a string that different applications and users can read.


您难道没有发现这听起来与 隔离存储的目的正好相反吗?

请彻底了解隔离存储: http://msdn.microsoft.com /en-us/library/3ak841sy%28v=VS.100%29.aspx [ ^ ].


如果需要一些可供其他应用程序读取的存储,则需要这些应用程序通过此存储与您的应用程序进行通信,该存储将进入进程间通信(IPC)的完全不同的字段, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication [ ^ ].


我如何将byte []发送到另一台PC [ ^ ],
在局域网上与两个Windows应用程序进行通信. [^ ].




Dear Tolga,

Don''t you see that this sounds like directly opposite to the purpose of isolated storage?

Please read about isolated storage thoroughly: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3ak841sy%28v=VS.100%29.aspx[^].

Isolated storage is designed to isolate applications/processes from each other in terms of their persistent storage, which is closed to the way they are isolated in terms of operating memory space.

If you need some storage which different applications can read, you need those applications to communicate with your application through this storage, which goes to a completely different field of Inter-Process Communications (IPC), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inter-process_communication[^].

As you need both shared data resource and its persistence, and assuming you also need to preserve data integrity, it looks like the most robust solution is having some (perhaps tiny) data service which would keep exclusive access to the persistent media (and yes, it can be isolated storage) and performs access to this data on behalf of the clients. This way, as requests from client are serialized, it would be easy to preserve data integrity in any sense required by the applications. If can be something simple, not necessarily something fully-fledged like a database management system (but this is another option in cases where RDBMS functionality is needed anyway); it could be a minimalistic Windows Service. For communication the layer, it could be anything from named pipes and sockets to .NET remoting to WCF. I provided a short overview of communication levels in my past solutions:

how i can send byte[] to other pc[^],
Communication b/w two Windows applications on LAN.[^].

I hope I understood your correctly. If not, please clarify.
You know, you should first of all explain your ultimate goals, without preoccupation with any technical means you were thinking about. If you do that, you can get a better chance to get some more useful advice.




08-22 20:38