


我正在使用大气框架( https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere )它运行在码头服务器上,并将websocket带到任何浏览器.

I'm using the atmosphere framework (https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere) which runs on a jetty server and brings websockets to any browser.

我遇到的问题是,出于某些奇怪的原因,广播到所有连接的客户端的消息仅到达与码头服务器运行在同一平台上的Web客户端. (本地主机:8080)

The problem that I'm having is that for some strange reason messages broadcasted to all connected clients only arrive on the webclient running on the same platform as the jetty server. (localhost:8080)

其他客户端仅在服务器停止时才接收消息(全部一次). (ip服务器:8080)

Other clients only recieve their messages (all at once) when the server stops. (ip server:8080)


I'm not sure weither this is an issue with jetty 8/atmopshere/my network.I'm using eclipse with the run-jetty-run plugin.


So my question: is there any way to debug this system/for locating where the problem actually is?


您可以从命令提示符下发出follwoing命令. mvnDebug jetty:run-explanted antrun:run然后,您将知道码头在哪个端口上侦听,然后转到run-> debug配置,您可以在那里调试服务器.在调试配置中,您可以找到选项远程Java应用程序",在这里为新的远程Java应用程序"创建一个新的调试配置,还可以在此处定义新服务器再次 mvnDebug jetty:运行爆炸,现在您应该会看到新端口.

you can issue the follwoing command from command prompt. mvnDebug jetty:run-exploded antrun:run Then you wil come to know on which port your jetty is listening to after that go to run->debug configuration from there you can debug your server.In debug configuration you can find the option Remote Java Application here create one new debug configuration for new Remote java Application and also here you can define your new serveragain mvnDebug jetty:run-exploded now you should see your new port.


07-22 19:47