我有一个客户端React应用程序和一个Rails API,React应用程序从中获取数据.
I have a client side React application and a Rails API from which the React app is fetching data.
As you would expect I only want my React application to be able to fetch data from the API and the rest of the world shouldn't be able to receive data from it.
Despite much searching I am yet to find the best way to secure the communication between the two applications.
I have read about JWT tokens and cookie based session authentication but the majority of articles seem to be focused on authentication of users (ie sign in/sign out) rather than communication between just the two applications.
这两个应用程序将共享同一个域,因此依靠Cross Origin来保护通信就足够了吗?
The two apps will share the same domain so is it enough to rely on Cross Origin to secure communication?
Any advice really would be much appreciated.
如果我的问题正确,那么您希望您的客户端(React App)成为唯一可以访问您服务器的客户端.
If I got your question right you want your client(React App) to be the only client who can access your server.
作为解决方案,您将必须结合使用CORS和JWT授权,因此,我建议使用严格的CORS,以仅允许您的React应用程序域调用服务器.为此,我通常使用 CORS npm模块和配置我服务器上的来源,也可以自己完成.
As a solution to that you will have to have a combination of CORS and a JWT authorization, Thus I would suggest having a strict CORS to enable only your react app's domain to make a call to the server. To achieve this, I generally use a CORS npm module and configure the origin on my server or you can do it yourself as well.
var express = require('express')
var cors = require('cors')
var app = express()
var corsOptions = {
origin: 'http://example.com',
optionsSuccessStatus: 200 // some legacy browsers (IE11, various SmartTVs) choke on 204
The above code allows only requests from example.com to be accepted by the server or have a look at this code for more dynamic whitelist & blacklist approach.
Now coming back to JWT, It is just a json encryption and decryption token which can share across API request to Authenticate as well as authorize the user.
例如,您可以在JWT中存储用户的电子邮件,角色和昵称之类的信息,并在每个API请求中发送此加密的JWT,服务器会授权此请求,如果为true,则转发给所请求的API.授权和转发过程通常使用拦截器"模式实施,其中中间件(护照oAuth )在每个API调用之前进行检查和身份验证.
For instance, you can store information like email, role, and nickname of the user in JWT and sent this encrypted JWT in each API request, the server authorizes this request and if true forwards to the requested API. This process of authorization and forwarding is generally implemented using an 'Interceptor' pattern wherein a middleware(Passport oAuth) does the check and auth before each API call.
Doing the above 2 things will ensure that only a client which has valid JWT token and domain address which you allowed to talk with the server. And this client will be your react app, as it is the only one with proper JWT and origin address.
So now your react app should just make sure that appropriate JWT token is passed in the API calls (post/get/put), most probably in the header of the API request, you can have an API helper service which does this for you and import that in component where-ever you make an API call. And your node server will implement the passport middleware pattern to authorize this JWT and filter non-authorized requests.
If you react app doesn't have a login, The JWT can be a client ID as well which recognizes your client as being legit. And just like user login, you can have you react app make a call to the server with data like a secret client id. This will return a JWT token. OR you can pre-generate a JWT token and you react app store it when it loads the first time, and by setting TTL and another config you can check if the Client which is making a call to your server is Old or New or some other fake client.