


I need to have users import Excel/CSV files to my database.


Currently, I have a VB.net application that will let me import CSV files only to our database. Rather than scaling this application to keep fitting my needs, and deploying it to users to import data, I'm considering switching to SSIS.

如何部署程序包,以便我的用户能够使用它们导入Excel/CSV文件?我知道SSIS并不是要成为前端的,所以我不应该将其用于我的需求吗?它仅用于SQL Developers导入数据吗?

How do I deploy packages so that my users are able to use them to import Excel/CSV files? I know SSIS is not intended to be a front end, so should I not use it for my needs? Is it only used for SQL Developers to import data?


Also, my users have no experience with SQL or using a database. They are used to putting their excel files on Sharepoint or pass them around via email. I just introduced them to SSRS which works wonderfully as a reporting service but I need a simple and reliable import process.



Probably not for a few reasons:

  • 您必须部署SSIS运行时才能使程序包运行-这通常不是要做的事情.您可能需要支付许可证费用

  • You'd have to deploy the SSIS runtime for the package to run - this is not something that is usually done. You'd probably have to pay a licence cost


SSIS stores metadata (i.e. the type and number of columns in the source and target). If this metadata changes then the package will usually fail


SSIS is a server tool. It 's not really built for user feedback


Excel as a source is difficult for two reasons:

  1. 它没有验证.用户可以在其中放入任何想要的东西,包括无效或缺失的值

  1. It has no validation. Users can put anything they want in it, including invalid or missing values


Excel drivers work out metadata by inspecting rows on the fly and this is sometimes incorrect (I'm sure you've already encountered this in your program)


A custom built solution requires more maintenance but has a lot more flexibility, and you probably need this flexibility given that you have excel sources.

如果保证您的excel文件每次都是干净的,并且所有用户都使用一个SQL Server(带有SSIS的一个许可安装),那么这可能是可行的.

If your excel files are guaranteed to be clean every time, and all of your users use a single SQL Server (with a single licensed install of SSIS) then it might be practical.


In this case you have consistent data files coming from elsewhere that need to be automatically uploaded into the database. SSIS can help in this case with the following proven pattern:

  1. 用户(或进程)保存的文件已保存到特定的共享文件夹
  2. 一个计划在SQL Agent中每(例如)分钟运行一次的程序包,将导入该文件夹中的所有文件
  3. 如果导入成功,则文件将移至成功"文件夹
  4. 如果导入失败,则文件将移至失败"文件夹


This way, a thick client app doesn't need to be deployed to everyone. Instead any user can drop the file (if they have share access), and it will be automatically pulled in


Users can also confirm that the file was successful by checking the folder


Here's an example of a package that imports all files in a folder and moves them when complete:

SSIS-如何遍历文件夹中的文件并获取路径+文件名,最后执行参数为Path + Filename的存储过程


09-05 10:42