短X = 1;
长Y = 2;
浮U = 3.0;
双V = 4.4;
长双W = 5.54;
焦C ='P'; 的typedef枚举
} codes_t; / * __DATE__,__TIME__,__FILE__,__LINE__是predefined符号* /
的printf(日期:%S \\ n,__DATE__);
的printf(时间:%S \\ n,__TIME__);
的printf(文件:%s \\ n,__FILE__);
的printf(行数:%d \\ n,__LINE__);
#万一 / *各种类型的大小* /
的printf(INT%祖\\ n的大小的sizeof(回答));
的printf(短%祖\\ n的大小的sizeof(X));
的printf(%长祖\\ n的大小的sizeof(Y));
的printf(浮动%祖\\ n的大小的sizeof(U));
的printf(双祖%\\ n的大小的sizeof(V));
的printf(长双祖%\\ n的大小的sizeof(W));
的printf(%炭祖\\ n的大小的sizeof(C));
的printf(%枚举祖\\ n的大小的sizeof(codes_t)); 返回0;
的INT 4的大小
- 处理器
- 操作系统
- 别的什么
在符合其安装一些库[可能只是glibc的],在它的32位变量,你应该能够通过使用<$ C $自己试用C>的gcc -m32 myprog.c中 [或铛-m32 myprog.c中
不过,这已上市,这将如果从64位x86 Linux系统迁移到32位x86的Linux系统,使用基于GCC编译器改变你的项目,唯一的事情就是<$ C的大小$ C>长。注86,GCC等重资格 - 编译器有很大的自由。有人可以编写一个Linux编译器使用16位 INT
32位系统上没有巨大困难的量。使用该编译器来编译Linux内核和许多的Linux工具可能会失败[最有可能包括编译 GCC
案例分析:微软的C / C ++编译器有一个长
为32位甚至64位系统。为什么,我听到你问?由于大量的Windows API函数使用长
作为一个32位值从当Windows是英特尔三百八十六分之二百八十六处理器的16位操作系统的遗产。因为(一些)系统调用是Windows向后兼容很远的路,那就是16位系统编写将在64位仍然有效的Windows code [除非code使用了一些非常不寻常系统调用,当然,在风格将看起来有点古老。更改长
= 32位。如果你想64位整数,你必须使用长长
I have a sample program that I copied from some website.
int main(void)
int answer;
short x = 1;
long y = 2;
float u = 3.0;
double v = 4.4;
long double w = 5.54;
char c = 'p';
typedef enum
/* __DATE__, __TIME__, __FILE__, __LINE__ are predefined symbols */
#if 0
printf("Date : %s\n", __DATE__);
printf("Time : %s\n", __TIME__);
printf("File : %s\n", __FILE__);
printf("Line : %d\n", __LINE__);
/* The size of various types */
printf("The size of int %zu\n", sizeof(answer));
printf("The size of short %zu\n", sizeof(x));
printf("The size of long %zu\n", sizeof(y));
printf("The size of float %zu\n", sizeof(u));
printf("The size of double %zu\n", sizeof(v));
printf("The size of long double %zu\n", sizeof(w));
printf("The size of char %zu\n", sizeof(c));
printf("The size of enum %zu\n", sizeof(codes_t));
return 0;
I ran this program and the output that I got is as follows.
The size of int 4
The size of short 2
The size of long 8
The size of float 4
The size of double 8
The size of long double 16
The size of char 1
The size of enum 4
I am running this on a linux PC that is running 64-bit Ubuntu.My question is if I were to run the same program on a 32-bit machine will I see different results.Or in other words does the size of the basic data types depend on
- processor
- Operating System
- anything else
Subject to having to install some libraries [probably just glibc] in it's 32-bit variant, you should be able to try this yourself by using gcc -m32 myprog.c
[or clang -m32 myprog.c
However, the only thing of your items that have been listed that will change if you move from a 64-bit x86 linux system to 32-bit x86 linux system, using gcc-based compilers, is the size of long
. Note the heavy qualification of x86, gcc, etc - compilers have a lot of freedom. Someone could write a compiler for Linux that uses 16-bit int
and 64-bit long
on a 32-bit system with no huge amount of difficulty. Using that compiler to compile the Linux kernel and many of the Linux tools would probably fail [most likely including compiling gcc
with that compiler]. But you can't really say "on this architecture" or "in this OS" or "with this compiler" ... without also qualifying what the OTHER parameters are.
Case in point: A Microsoft C/C++ compiler has a long
that is 32 bit even on 64-bit systems. Why, I hear you ask? Because a large number of Windows API functions use long
as a 32-bit value as legacy from when Windows was a 16-bit OS on Intel 286/386 processors. Since (some of) the system calls are backwards compatible a very long way in Windows, code that is written for 16-bit systems will still work on 64-bit Windows [unless the code is using some really unusual system calls, and of course, the STYLE will look a bit ancient]. Changing long
to a 64-bit value would have broken some of that functioanilty, so the compiler guys at MS decided to stick with long
= 32 bit. If you want 64-bit integers, you have to use long long
or int64_t
or something else, not long
. Of course, this breaks some code that assumes that sizeof(long) == sizeof(void *)
. Hopefully, most such code has already been fixed...