

我在做与嵌入式计算机模块,EXM32入门工具包一个项目,我想模拟8个音符钢琴。操作系统是Linux,我在Python编程。我的问题是Python版本是2.4没有'pygame的'库同时播放两个声音。在我现在用python中使用os.system('aplay ./Do.wav')的发挥,从Linux控制台,声音。


  SND1 = pygame.mixer.Sound('./ Do.wav')
    SND 2 = pygame.mixer.Sound('./ Re.wav')    snd1.play()


我试着使用线程,但问题是,该计划等到控制台命令已经完成。可我用另一个库?或方法做'波'或'audioop? (这最后的图书馆,我相信只对操纵声音文件)

    FD = sys.stdin.fileno()
    老= termios.tcgetattr(FD)
    新= termios.tcgetattr(FD)
    新的[3] =新[3]和安培; 〜TERMIOS.ICANON&安培; 〜TERMIOS.ECHO
    新[6] [TERMIOS.VMIN] = 1
    新[6] [TERMIOS.VTIME] = 0
    KEY_ pressed =无
            KEY_ pressed = os.read(FD,1)
    返回KEY_ pressedDEF键preSS(注):    如果注== DO:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Do.wav')
    ELIF注== RE:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Re.wav')
    ELIF注== MI:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Mi.wav')
    ELIF注== FA:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Fa.wav')
    ELIF注== SOL:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Sol.wav')
    ELIF注== LA:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/La.wav')
    ELIF注== SI:
            使用os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Si.wav')
DO ='A'
RE ='S'
MI ='D'
FA ='F'
SOL ='G'
SI ='J'
KEY_ pressed =
I = 1#in每次迭代程序进入另一个'如果',以不中断
而(KEY_ pressed ='N'!):
    KEY_ pressed = getkey()
    如果我== 1:
        键preSS(KEY_ pressed)
        I = 0
    ELIF我== 0:
        键preSS(KEY_ pressed)
        I = 1
    打印ORD(KEY_ pressed)



此外,使用os.system 等待命令完成,并产生一个额外的外壳中运行命令您应该使用的相反,它会返回只要它已启动程序,默认情况下不产卵一个额外的外壳。下面code应该开始双方球员的紧密合作,尽可能:

 导入子DO = subprocess.Popen(['aplay','./notas_musicales/Do.wav'])
重新= subprocess.Popen(['aplay','./notas_musicales/Re.wav'])

I'm doing a project with an embedded computer module, the EXM32 Starter Kit and I want to simulate a piano with 8 musical notes. The OS is linux and I'm programming in Python. My problem is that version of Python is the 2.4 without 'pygame' library to play two sounds simultaneously. At now I am using in python "os.system('aplay ./Do.wav')" to play, from linux console, the sound.

The simplificated question is: Can I use another library to do the same as:

    snd1 =  pygame.mixer.Sound('./Do.wav')
    snd2 =  pygame.mixer.Sound('./Re.wav')


to play 'Do' and 'Re' simultanously? I can use "auidoop" and "wave" library.

I tried use threading but the problem is that the program wait until the console command has been finished. Another library that can I used? or the method to do with 'wave' or 'audioop'?? (this last library I believe is only for manipulated sound files)The complete code is:

import termios, sys, os, time
TERMIOS = termios
#I wrote this method to simulate keyevent. I haven't got better libraries to do this
def getkey():
    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
    new = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
    new[3] = new[3] & ~TERMIOS.ICANON & ~TERMIOS.ECHO
    new[6][TERMIOS.VMIN] = 1
    new[6][TERMIOS.VTIME] = 0
    termios.tcsetattr(fd, TERMIOS.TCSANOW, new)
    key_pressed = None
            key_pressed = os.read(fd, 1)
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, TERMIOS.TCSAFLUSH, old)
    return key_pressed

def keyspress(note):

    if note == DO:
            os.system('aplay  ./notas_musicales/Do.wav')
    elif note == RE:
            os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Re.wav')
    elif note == MI:
            os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Mi.wav')
    elif note == FA:
            os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Fa.wav')
    elif note == SOL:
            os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Sol.wav')
    elif note == LA:
            os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/La.wav')
    elif note == SI:
            os.system('aplay ./notas_musicales/Si.wav')

DO = 'a'
RE = 's'
MI = 'd'
FA = 'f'
SOL = 'g'
LA = 'h'
SI = 'j'
key_pressed = ""
i = 1

#in each iteration the program enter into the other 'if' to doesn't interrupt
#the last sound.
while(key_pressed != 'n'):
    key_pressed = getkey()
    if i == 1:
        i = 0
    elif i == 0:
        i = 1
    print ord(key_pressed)

Due to the global interpreter lock ("GIL") in the default python implementation only one thread will be running at a time. So that won't help you much in this case.

Additionally, os.system waits for the command to finish, and spawns an extra shell to run the command in. You should use suprocess.Popen instead, which will return as soon as it has started the program, and by default does not spawn an extra shell. The following code should start both players as closely together as possible:

import subprocess

do = subprocess.Popen(['aplay', './notas_musicales/Do.wav'])
re = subprocess.Popen(['aplay', './notas_musicales/Re.wav'])


07-22 19:01