


When I use the PlaySound function on a .wav file, it only plays a part of the file. For example, it plays only the first 58 seconds of a 76-second file and only the first 78 seconds of a three-minute file. Is this a known problem? Why does this happen?

我正在使用32位Windows.我在使用Microsoft Visual C ++创建的Win32控制台应用程序中使用了PlaySound函数.我正在尝试使用"PlaySound cuts off"之类的搜索字词在Google上进行搜索,但是没有运气.

I'm using 32-bit Windows. The PlaySound function is used in a Win32 console application that I created using Microsoft Visual C++.  I've trying searching on Google using search terms like "PlaySound cuts off", with no luck.

我经历了其他神秘行为.例如,代码while(condition){}在调试模式下可以正常工作,用于将程序延迟到满足特定条件为止,但在释放模式下不起作用;我必须写while(condition){cout<"};}. 这也是一个已知问题吗?

I've experienced other mysterious behavior.  For example, the code while(condition) {} works fine in debug mode for delaying the program until a certain condition is satisfied, but does not work in release mode; I had to write while(condition) {cout<<"";}.  Is this also a known problem?




09-26 05:50